This is what really rubs me the wrong way about modern so-called "conservatives"- they make a big verbal stink about something, barely put up a fight, then when the left gets their way, they try to claim it was actually "conservative" all along.
This is a good example on the culture war front, but you see this in other areas, like how mainstream conservatives are trying to co-opt MLK and the Civil Rights movement, despite the fact that both were/are fundamentally left leaning, and how they stopped defending Confederate monuments so they can say that "Democrats were Confederates, thus they were the real racists".
Someone posted here yesterday or today about how CPAC is actively saying transgenderism is a "conservative issue", that is a good example as well. And how most of the GOP is now presenting themselves as "moderate" pro LGBT when 15 years ago neither party would touch the issue.
They need to stop trying to out-virtue-signal the Left- it accomplishes nothing except allowing leftists to continue shifting the Overton Window. If you allow leftists to set the paradigm, you will lose to Leftists since they will keep changing the paradigm against you.
"Conservatives" are a ratcheting mechanism: they'll put up token resistance to any socio-political change then strongly resist any reactionary movement which seeks to revert any socio-political change which has already occurred because those proposing it are "far right".
Be careful how you talk about that, people tend to be sensitive to that sort of thing here.
I made a post arguing this point a day or two ago, giving a number of points arguing that the GOP, and Trump specifically, were controlled op. It was extremely controversial, most of my in-thread replies were downvoted without a substantive response, and of the four replies I actually got to the in-thread comments, two implied that I was a Jew shill for not being totally pro Trump.... completely illogical given that Trump is quite pro Israel and half his family is literally Jewish.
I love this site usually, and even when there is disagreement people are usually respectful, but some of the more neocon-ish types can be touchy when you question their worldview, even with evidence.
This is what really rubs me the wrong way about modern so-called "conservatives"- they make a big verbal stink about something, barely put up a fight, then when the left gets their way, they try to claim it was actually "conservative" all along.
This is a good example on the culture war front, but you see this in other areas, like how mainstream conservatives are trying to co-opt MLK and the Civil Rights movement, despite the fact that both were/are fundamentally left leaning, and how they stopped defending Confederate monuments so they can say that "Democrats were Confederates, thus they were the real racists".
Someone posted here yesterday or today about how CPAC is actively saying transgenderism is a "conservative issue", that is a good example as well. And how most of the GOP is now presenting themselves as "moderate" pro LGBT when 15 years ago neither party would touch the issue.
They need to stop trying to out-virtue-signal the Left- it accomplishes nothing except allowing leftists to continue shifting the Overton Window. If you allow leftists to set the paradigm, you will lose to Leftists since they will keep changing the paradigm against you.
"Conservatives" are a ratcheting mechanism: they'll put up token resistance to any socio-political change then strongly resist any reactionary movement which seeks to revert any socio-political change which has already occurred because those proposing it are "far right".
They're controlled opposition, designed to prevent a genuine right wing movement capable of reclaiming lost ground.
Be careful how you talk about that, people tend to be sensitive to that sort of thing here.
I made a post arguing this point a day or two ago, giving a number of points arguing that the GOP, and Trump specifically, were controlled op. It was extremely controversial, most of my in-thread replies were downvoted without a substantive response, and of the four replies I actually got to the in-thread comments, two implied that I was a Jew shill for not being totally pro Trump.... completely illogical given that Trump is quite pro Israel and half his family is literally Jewish.
I love this site usually, and even when there is disagreement people are usually respectful, but some of the more neocon-ish types can be touchy when you question their worldview, even with evidence.