They've been doing the Hebrew Two Step forever. Coincidentally, for as long as they've been shoving their anti White propaganda down our throats. I'm more than happy to take them at their word, unlike their golems, as Mr Weinstein is currently finding out.
I don't have any of those handy image macros on my phone, but I'm betting a number of people here do. You surely know what I mean, the classic "Now I'm White, now I'm Jewish."
Stormfags: Jews are not white.
Also Stormfags: REEEEEE, why did this Jew claim that he is not white?
They've been doing the Hebrew Two Step forever. Coincidentally, for as long as they've been shoving their anti White propaganda down our throats. I'm more than happy to take them at their word, unlike their golems, as Mr Weinstein is currently finding out.
Is that so? Can you substantiate this?
I don't have any of those handy image macros on my phone, but I'm betting a number of people here do. You surely know what I mean, the classic "Now I'm White, now I'm Jewish."
How about a thousand examples?