Yet blacks have had higher fertility rates than whites for a long time despite having an abysmal family structure. There is more to it than this.
An exceeding amount of unprotected sex makes up for the remaining growth rate, including the intentional promotion of having additional kids for further welfare funding.
You're letting your own ideology off the hook here. The proliferation of pornography, the normalization of promiscuity, and the embrace of idle consumption contribute to low fertility, but libertarians would consider it bad to do anything to combat that. Libertarians are also "bootstrap" types who would expect people to bail on their small town to take a job in the city if that's where the money is. You run cover for these things that you say are problems.
No, I don't.
First of all, I don't feel it's the government's responsibility to manage those things. If you're a Christian, they are your kids and it's your God. If you suck so much at parenting that you can't teach your kid how to manage themselves in the real world, I can't fucking help you, and the US Government is absolutely not going to help you on that either.
It's straight going back to all the old Evangelical nonsense about video games and pokemon. It's not the government's responsibility to raise your damn kids. You literally go to a Church every single fucking week and get moral lectures. Your churches are the primary centers of your community, both physical and social. If you can't raise your kids to be good Christians while you are literally responsible for the entirety of their upbringing, how the hell is using the cops going to fix anything?
It's your flock. Tend to it.
As for the bootstrap stuff, I didn't do what you allege. I got a job where the money was good enough and I'm in a small community. It makes no damn sense to move into cities if you plan on building wealth. Moving to a small community and starting up a small business is a fucking excellent idea. The problem isn't people don't do it, it's that our corporatist system explicitly promotes working in a corporate plantation, and disincentives small business.
How does this explain the 1965 Heart-Cellar Act? That passed shortly after the baby boom. Do you really think the elites said, "the whites haven't had a baby boom in about five years. I guess it's time to replace them" ? The explanatory power of your world view is low.
Because it's a boom, and the Globalists are Malthusian. They assumed that births would never keep up with population rates because that's what always happens in their ultra-dense cities. The cities literally can't replace themselves, they constantly need new people in. There was a boom of children, which meant the Silent & Greatest generation would be well supported, and no one after that if you didn't include mass migration.
Population growth creates power in dense cities, but the policies of highly authoritarian cities prevents that growth, so they constantly need more people. They know that if anything stops that movement of people in, the population will collapse (as Malthus expected based on the conditions of cities).
And you're still thinking in terms of race when they didn't give a shit. It's not about whether or not whites were having more children, the elites knew that the rate couldn't be sustained, so you had to get more people in.
This is actually close to the mark except they put public housing where whites live to inhibit white reproduction and wealth accumulation. It's very much racial.
Again, no it isn't because it's not only whites that live in suburbs. This is about being able to control the distribution of dependent populations.
I forgot this conversation was a thing. Sorry.
Just a few key points:
An exceeding amount of unprotected sex makes up for the remaining growth rate, including the intentional promotion of having additional kids for further welfare funding.
No, I don't.
First of all, I don't feel it's the government's responsibility to manage those things. If you're a Christian, they are your kids and it's your God. If you suck so much at parenting that you can't teach your kid how to manage themselves in the real world, I can't fucking help you, and the US Government is absolutely not going to help you on that either.
It's straight going back to all the old Evangelical nonsense about video games and pokemon. It's not the government's responsibility to raise your damn kids. You literally go to a Church every single fucking week and get moral lectures. Your churches are the primary centers of your community, both physical and social. If you can't raise your kids to be good Christians while you are literally responsible for the entirety of their upbringing, how the hell is using the cops going to fix anything?
It's your flock. Tend to it.
As for the bootstrap stuff, I didn't do what you allege. I got a job where the money was good enough and I'm in a small community. It makes no damn sense to move into cities if you plan on building wealth. Moving to a small community and starting up a small business is a fucking excellent idea. The problem isn't people don't do it, it's that our corporatist system explicitly promotes working in a corporate plantation, and disincentives small business.
Because it's a boom, and the Globalists are Malthusian. They assumed that births would never keep up with population rates because that's what always happens in their ultra-dense cities. The cities literally can't replace themselves, they constantly need new people in. There was a boom of children, which meant the Silent & Greatest generation would be well supported, and no one after that if you didn't include mass migration.
Population growth creates power in dense cities, but the policies of highly authoritarian cities prevents that growth, so they constantly need more people. They know that if anything stops that movement of people in, the population will collapse (as Malthus expected based on the conditions of cities).
And you're still thinking in terms of race when they didn't give a shit. It's not about whether or not whites were having more children, the elites knew that the rate couldn't be sustained, so you had to get more people in.
Again, no it isn't because it's not only whites that live in suburbs. This is about being able to control the distribution of dependent populations.