Let me guess the characters with just this screenshot. Gandalf is the whale in the top middle, Sauron is the white dude top right, Frodo and Sam are the muslim and the fat chick with glasses, Gollum is pick any other random white dude. I'm off to a pretty accurate start aren't I?
Edit: Oh I forgot, since they've confirmed that it's full of sex now, I presume that's what the little boy is for. Since that's a leftist's main sex interest.
Let me guess the characters with just this screenshot. Gandalf is the whale in the top middle, Sauron is the white dude top right, Frodo and Sam are the muslim and the fat chick with glasses, Gollum is pick any other random white dude. I'm off to a pretty accurate start aren't I?
Edit: Oh I forgot, since they've confirmed that it's full of sex now, I presume that's what the little boy is for. Since that's a leftist's main sex interest.
Jesus Christ does everything need sex? We can see that for free online ffs.