I stupidly preordered this game after one of the delay announcements because I stupidly believed that CDPR was making good on their promises. Then I stupidly didn't ask for a refund in the 30 day window. I don't have an excuse for that other than sheer laziness. You would think that I would have learned my lesson when I preordered Rome Total War 2 in 2014...
But the train of stupid continued when I bought a 3090 and I don't even own a g-sync compatible monitor.
The main point of all of this is, is it safe to play CyberPunk yet or do I need to keep waiting?
stick to subs that call everything shit per default because the mongs on reddit will make you believe even the most ridiculous crapfest is a diamond in the rough?
i keep reading the nintendo subs just to remind me of how idiotic ppl can be, before trusting any user-reviews.
The Cyberpunk sub had a meltdown over how fucked it was for like a month.....
Unrelated but you just reminded me how goddamned glorious Monster is.
Retards gonna retard.
Dis is not de wae.
Which is why you wait a month after release, regardless of cool swag that comes with it.
what is broken? theres not even anything resembling a game in there outside the missions :P