It's been a 50 year effort to undermine and delegitimize quantifiable hard sciences by nonsensical efforts to improve grades on underperforming students by blaming everything else but the actual work and effort being put in by the students themselves.
Or put another way: keep the children retarded to that they grow up into bio-leninist slaves and no one is smart enough to know that you've destroyed science to achieve political power.
It's been a 50 year effort to undermine and delegitimize quantifiable hard sciences by nonsensical efforts to improve grades on underperforming students by blaming everything else but the actual work and effort being put in by the students themselves.
Or put another way: keep the children retarded to that they grow up into bio-leninist slaves and no one is smart enough to know that you've destroyed science to achieve political power.
It's been this way from the days of "New Math"