I'm happy she is going to do it but what are the odds they can make a good movie?
If it fails it may kill any other attempt for counter culture in the movie industry.
I'm happy she is going to do it but what are the odds they can make a good movie?
If it fails it may kill any other attempt for counter culture in the movie industry.
The odds of any given movie being "good" is... low. Most movies aren't good.
But there's much better odds for it being enjoyable to watch just once. The "popcorn flick". Her name recognition right now comes from two sources: Her role in The Mandalorian, and the fact she was kicked out of Disney for being a hardass about their corporate wrongdoing (you can't just say modern propaganda is Literally Hitler when your boss MAKES that propaganda 24/7).
So she would need to capitalize on those, and make it a rebel-type action movie. Big plus if so: Action movies are easier to be enjoyable for one watch compared to dramas.
The possibility exists.