Old story with the same amount of proof as this shit. People would (and I'm sure some still do) claim that picnic came from lynchings in the American south, because people would gather for lunch and "pick-a-nigger" to lynch, and that became the modern picnic. It's actually from a French word from the late 1600s for a sociable gathering where people brought food and drink to share.
Just how often did they think lynchings happened exactly?
Probably daily, given the utter lack of education in the community.
I'd wager they also think the primary crime was "Whistling at a white woman" rather than "cattle theft", and that the majority of persons thus lynched were "black" rather than "white".
Old story with the same amount of proof as this shit. People would (and I'm sure some still do) claim that picnic came from lynchings in the American south, because people would gather for lunch and "pick-a-nigger" to lynch, and that became the modern picnic. It's actually from a French word from the late 1600s for a sociable gathering where people brought food and drink to share.
Probably daily, given the utter lack of education in the community.
I'd wager they also think the primary crime was "Whistling at a white woman" rather than "cattle theft", and that the majority of persons thus lynched were "black" rather than "white".
That reminds of the William Lynch speech, which even wikipedia admits is fake noose.