38 145 Neocons/RINOs need to be primaried out asap instead of a third party pipe dream (archive.is) posted 4 years ago by onetruephilosoraptor 4 years ago by onetruephilosoraptor +39 / -1 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Burn the whole system to the ground.
Create a third party and draw all individual financing away from the Republican party.
Field ultra-nationalist candidates and attack the other parties as traitors who are beholden to monied, internationalist interests.
Consolidate physical power and when eventually the system makes change impossible force it through the occupation of Washington.
It takes merely 10% of the population to take concentrated effort and the cause is won.
Full disclosure, I do not believe in democracy. Why should a retarded foreigner have the same theoretical power as a generational genius?
They don't in a democracy and you know it.
The "generational genius" controls what info the "retarded foreigner" sees and effectively controls their vote.
They do not, under any pretense of reality, have the same power.
We have no hope to enact true change in the system they've set up for themselves.
The only real option is to break all their toys, form a new society, and lock them out of it.