You know Jim Crow laws and slavery? And how they caused big rifts in American society despite being fixed 100 years ago?
Canada has had laws ACTIVELY ENFORCED on the books as recently as 1989. Not some "you can't stable your horse within ten feet of a car" type law that was never enforced in the first place, Canada had internment re-education camps that involved chemical castration and rape as punishment devices in order to exterminate political and genetic undesirables as recently as 1989.
Canada has never outgrown the "authoritarian national socialist party" stage of its existence. That angle finally rested for just over a decade, then 9/11, boom, more authoritarianism right back in. It now merely learned how to put on a pretty outfit over it. When you think of so-called "Western" countries, and then think of the length of time it's been since they've overtly committed atrocities against their own citizenry (real atrocity, not twitter fume-huffing), Canada is the only one that's done it in younger-than-middle-age living memory, whose leaders SUPPORTED these atrocities. (Not support NOW, of course, at least on TV, but supported back then, or their parents supported it and taught them).
Canadians compulsively say "sorry" not because of a cultural quirk, but because of legitimate guilt over crimes they've committed or profited from. The entire country suffers from a weird combination of hero complex, survivor's guilt, standard regular guilt, and white knight syndrome. While Canadians crowed "the underground railroad sent freed would-be American slaves up here to freedom", they chipperly whipped and snapped the bones of other groups, feeling no cognitive dissonance.
As to why this matters? The top ten most paid people by the Canadian government do not include the prime minister nor his cabinet. They're all First Nations "leaders", who live in lavish luxury, while their people starve and languish, and this has been the modus operandi of Canada for a while. Occupy Wall Street may have given Americans a taste of crab-bucket mentality and tossing "race" as a way to distract from real problems, but Canadians perfected that shit decades ago.
And while those in power laugh to the bank, they make sure the little guy feels very, very "sorry" for it all happening. Canada's been subject to identitarian warfare for longer than literally anyone here has been alive, alternating targets every so often: Indigenous, individual tribes WITHIN that overgroup, French, English, Newfies, Americans (VERY popular one), Alberta/Ontario, Toronto/Montreal, FLQ, Catholic, Protestant, Iroquois, Metis, male, female, big business, SMALL business (yup!)... If there was a way to place you into an identity politics bubble, if you're younger than 80 here, then since birth you've been put into as many as possible, with continuous, constant reminders that all the other bubbles are out to get you, except Daddy Government. And so they grovel for Daddy Government, no matter what He does. What are they going to do, vote him out? They do all the time. New boss, same as old boss. Canada's election system is just as fucked as the American one, just in different ways.
TL;DR: Canada, and Canadians, are so fucked by identity politics that they've got ahegaos.
I know we focus on the US here, but what the fuck is going on in Canada?
Rant inbound, tl;dr at bottom.
You know Jim Crow laws and slavery? And how they caused big rifts in American society despite being fixed 100 years ago?
Canada has had laws ACTIVELY ENFORCED on the books as recently as 1989. Not some "you can't stable your horse within ten feet of a car" type law that was never enforced in the first place, Canada had internment re-education camps that involved chemical castration and rape as punishment devices in order to exterminate political and genetic undesirables as recently as 1989.
Canada has never outgrown the "authoritarian national socialist party" stage of its existence. That angle finally rested for just over a decade, then 9/11, boom, more authoritarianism right back in. It now merely learned how to put on a pretty outfit over it. When you think of so-called "Western" countries, and then think of the length of time it's been since they've overtly committed atrocities against their own citizenry (real atrocity, not twitter fume-huffing), Canada is the only one that's done it in younger-than-middle-age living memory, whose leaders SUPPORTED these atrocities. (Not support NOW, of course, at least on TV, but supported back then, or their parents supported it and taught them).
Canadians compulsively say "sorry" not because of a cultural quirk, but because of legitimate guilt over crimes they've committed or profited from. The entire country suffers from a weird combination of hero complex, survivor's guilt, standard regular guilt, and white knight syndrome. While Canadians crowed "the underground railroad sent freed would-be American slaves up here to freedom", they chipperly whipped and snapped the bones of other groups, feeling no cognitive dissonance.
As to why this matters? The top ten most paid people by the Canadian government do not include the prime minister nor his cabinet. They're all First Nations "leaders", who live in lavish luxury, while their people starve and languish, and this has been the modus operandi of Canada for a while. Occupy Wall Street may have given Americans a taste of crab-bucket mentality and tossing "race" as a way to distract from real problems, but Canadians perfected that shit decades ago.
And while those in power laugh to the bank, they make sure the little guy feels very, very "sorry" for it all happening. Canada's been subject to identitarian warfare for longer than literally anyone here has been alive, alternating targets every so often: Indigenous, individual tribes WITHIN that overgroup, French, English, Newfies, Americans (VERY popular one), Alberta/Ontario, Toronto/Montreal, FLQ, Catholic, Protestant, Iroquois, Metis, male, female, big business, SMALL business (yup!)... If there was a way to place you into an identity politics bubble, if you're younger than 80 here, then since birth you've been put into as many as possible, with continuous, constant reminders that all the other bubbles are out to get you, except Daddy Government. And so they grovel for Daddy Government, no matter what He does. What are they going to do, vote him out? They do all the time. New boss, same as old boss. Canada's election system is just as fucked as the American one, just in different ways.
TL;DR: Canada, and Canadians, are so fucked by identity politics that they've got ahegaos.
Day of the Rake is coming