posted ago by TheRedThirst ago by TheRedThirst +38 / -1

Be me, 79 years old living in top floor apartment facing Breadline

One day have old bread crumbs about to expire

Toss crumbs from balcony onto plebeians below, they swarm and fight over morsels

"I am Bernie, King of Cucks"

Start throwing crumbs everyday for plebs

Plebs swarm

Be a month after doing this, now around 10,000 plebs showing up outside my apartment every day before noon for daily feeding ritual

"I am Bernie, King of Cucks"

One day come to balcony to see Bye Den and Harrasss feeding my plebs

Little faggots are trying to usurp me

"I am Bernie, King of Cucks"

Go grab two whole loaves of bread and chop them up into a million crumbs

Go to balcony

10,000 plebeians see me and go still in solemn respect for my mittens

Yell at faggot kids "I am Bernie, King of Cucks"

They depose me, steal my apartment and my breadcrumbs

Now I sit alone with my mask and my mittens

I lul softly

"I am Bernie, King of Cucks"