I know there was a lot of support on the populist right, even some on the left, to see Snowden and Assange as well as others pardoned when Trump left. Under normal circumstances I think Trump with his devil may care attitude would do it. I'm beginning to wonder if top leaders such as Mitch the bitch threatened him with impeachment passing so he could never run again and possibly lose his secret service detail which would be dangerous with as many leftists who want him dead. Or the powers that be could have given even bigger threats. This is just my mind rambling but does anyone else think it's possible or am I just a crazy conspiracy theorist?
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Antonio, do you have a crush on Tucker Carlson?
I haven't seen such a vigorous defense of him on here.
You keep creating false dichotomies.
One can be against both Powell and against Carlson.
Carlson is controlled opposition.
He plays the role of Populist Inc and these days he doesn't even play that role well.
Everyone is according to some people.
He plays it very well. And the reason why you hate him is precisely because he told the truth, namely that the Powell nonsense was all bunk.