posted ago by w-duranty6489 ago by w-duranty6489 +45 / -0

https://archive.vn/UYWBV cnn. com

Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy

Tell us what happened

So this is how info is trickling out -- imperfectly and incompletely. Relying on lawmakers for read-outs of investigations is obviously problematic, as anyone who's ever played a game of Telephone knows. The authorities should be speaking directly to the press and the public.

You might be wondering about the news media's coverage of Trump's trip to Alamo, Texas on Tuesday. Ostensibly he is going there to celebrate the southern border wall. But there's a lot of concern about what he'll say and how he'll say it. Let me just reiterate what I said on CNN Monday morning: Responsible TV networks will not air Trump live and in full. Not after his incitement last week. But I think we'll see a repeat of last Wednesday's rally coverage, meaning that Fox and other pro-Trump networks will air Trump live, while other outlets will exercise editorial judgment and ingest what he says, then decide if any of it is newsworthy. Maybe Fox management will prove me wrong and skip the speech, we'll see...