The Admins will take it one day, but its much more likely as an afterthought after a single person gets too uppity.
Agreed, I bet you the person that ends it will carry around something in their Twitter bio as a title like "Killed GamerGate" as a virtue signal.
Nearly every action taken that broke KIA for months seems to be taken in direct response and in spite of him alone.
I'm not gonna say all of them were, but it sure seems like a chunk of them were.
Something even the couyons on KIA1 don't get when they attack people for vaguely approaching things that they don't like like anti-women or anti-Jew.
Honestly, part of the problem with Reddit janitoring is that not only do I have to engage with all antisemitism, I actually have to start looking for it everywhere in everything like a god-damned paranoid lunatic.
It's like the inverse of Jewish Conspiracy Theory nonsense. I've got a massive wall of comments with little red lines going from one comment to another, with /pol memes written on sticky notes and circled repeatedly.
Hitler's Birthday! -----> PATTON????
I've genuinely had to apologize for removing completely innocuous statements that my brain tried to pattern-recognize into an antisemetic meme. ...which is also an pol meme... That being said, it would be easier if the alt-right weren't actively trying to hide their power level, but what choice do they have if they're constantly being censored? The censorship begets the hyper-sensitivity, begets the power-level-hiding, begets the censor's paranoia, begets the over-reaction, begets the genuine oppression, begets the justification of victimhood, begets the radicalism.
The whole censorship structure only feeds into the problem. It never fixes it.
I'm not gonna say all of them were, but it sure seems like a chunk of them were.
Most of their team there barely even is in attendance. The ones that were in constant action (Talent, Pink, Rarararara, Bane, Shad) all displayed personal beefs with him that guided their action. And as they were the mods doing most of the frontend work, I assume they were most of the power in general.
I actually have to start looking for it everywhere in everything like a god-damned paranoid lunatic.
And I don't blame you because the book of "dog whistles" grows everyday and even random items are now bigotry and evil. Its impossible to keep up.
Not that you aren't a janny cuck about these things, but I get it sometimes.
The censorship begets the hyper-sensitivity, begets the power-level-hiding, begets the censor's paranoia, begets the over-reaction, begets the genuine oppression, begets the justification of victimhood, begets the radicalism.
I mean, using antisemitism as an example, that's literally how it all gets started. 75% of the American population likely has never met a Jew, or at least knew they were one. Yet nearly every American online has seen a "SHUT IT DOWN THE GOYIM KNOW" moment, often over something completely innocent.
For half, they just shrug and "something something Holocaust" and forget it. The other half asks why it was shutdown when it was a nothingburger, gets shot down harder and descends deeper and deeper in search of answers.
And now a group he has never met, that he would otherwise not give a thought to, has become his enemy. As such, a radical is born.
Agreed, I bet you the person that ends it will carry around something in their Twitter bio as a title like "Killed GamerGate" as a virtue signal.
I'm not gonna say all of them were, but it sure seems like a chunk of them were.
Honestly, part of the problem with Reddit janitoring is that not only do I have to engage with all antisemitism, I actually have to start looking for it everywhere in everything like a god-damned paranoid lunatic.
It's like the inverse of Jewish Conspiracy Theory nonsense. I've got a massive wall of comments with little red lines going from one comment to another, with /pol memes written on sticky notes and circled repeatedly.
Hitler's Birthday! -----> PATTON????
I've genuinely had to apologize for removing completely innocuous statements that my brain tried to pattern-recognize into an antisemetic meme. ...which is also an pol meme... That being said, it would be easier if the alt-right weren't actively trying to hide their power level, but what choice do they have if they're constantly being censored? The censorship begets the hyper-sensitivity, begets the power-level-hiding, begets the censor's paranoia, begets the over-reaction, begets the genuine oppression, begets the justification of victimhood, begets the radicalism.
The whole censorship structure only feeds into the problem. It never fixes it.
Most of their team there barely even is in attendance. The ones that were in constant action (Talent, Pink, Rarararara, Bane, Shad) all displayed personal beefs with him that guided their action. And as they were the mods doing most of the frontend work, I assume they were most of the power in general.
And I don't blame you because the book of "dog whistles" grows everyday and even random items are now bigotry and evil. Its impossible to keep up.
Not that you aren't a janny cuck about these things, but I get it sometimes.
I mean, using antisemitism as an example, that's literally how it all gets started. 75% of the American population likely has never met a Jew, or at least knew they were one. Yet nearly every American online has seen a "SHUT IT DOWN THE GOYIM KNOW" moment, often over something completely innocent.
For half, they just shrug and "something something Holocaust" and forget it. The other half asks why it was shutdown when it was a nothingburger, gets shot down harder and descends deeper and deeper in search of answers.
And now a group he has never met, that he would otherwise not give a thought to, has become his enemy. As such, a radical is born.
That's definitional.
It's all so tiresome.
But my bull said I had to watch, so I guess I have to.