Given the Supreme Court's dismissal of Texas v Pennsylvania, it looks like the Cathedral is poised to take back full control, and the Constitution is just an interesting relic on some paper.
That in mind, I figure it's high time I started to share around something I've been working on for a while: I wrote and annotated a significant re-write of the US Constitution.
Here's the plan I propose: All the states that supported the Texas complaint should stop recognizing the DC Establishment as any sort of legitimate government, and should form a new government of the US under this updated constitution. Let any part of one of the other states set up a replacement government and rejoin as states, but leave the cancer cities like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, New York City, and Los Angeles out of the deal. Leave them behind to collapse in their own failure, but save as much of America as we can from their mistakes, and preserve as much of the military and economic power as we can, so that China and its allies don't get a chance to take over.
It's a hard road, and there are a lot of people to convince that it's better to leave the Washington establishment behind, but balkanization has major risks to national security, as well as economic costs. This path preserves that security and many of the healthy sectors of the US economy, leaves behind the absurd government overreach that the Cathedral has built up, and maintains the American identity that many people consider to be core to their life.
Hoping to get feedback on this plan, and the changes to the Constitution, from you guys here first, before I start spreading it around to more official channels.
Fuck off, I'm not seceding. I'm not doing what the Leftist Newsman NPC fucking tells me, and I'm not abandoning a swath of my god damned country to fucking communists because you all are too weak and cowardly to fight back by showing genuine resistance and community building.
Here we are, when the establishment is at it's fucking weakest point in over 100 years, and the only thing you can think of is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
And to do what? Form a separate country?
You realize that forming a separate country is harder than standing up for the one you currently have, right? You can't even be asked to fight for what you have, and you expect to build something completely different from scratch? It's no wonder the Republican establishment rolls over at the first sign of pressure when you guys are the constituency. Of course they'll surrender, you're not going to fight for yourselves, let alone them.
There is a point where I am constantly amazed at the way the right wing genuinely defines itself through Leftist narratives alone. It's like they're right about you: you're just reactionaries. You only react. Nothing more, nothing else. That's why it's easy to defeat you. You listen to Leftist news, Leftist academia, Leftist narratives, and you define yourself entirely through Leftism without having anything to actually stand for. Then you wonder why it always seems like society is moving Leftwards: it's because you only slow Leftist momentum, you never change direction.
For just one moment, I'd like to see you all actually try and build a real fucking community, with real fucking impact, and actually build it to take power and command, rather than retreating to what you think is a safe zone at every available opportunity.
This is my country. I'm not giving it to the Communists, which is why they are pushing the narrative that you are happily feeding into.
Gizortnik, what do you propose in terms of real action?
How does one build a real community in our current cancel culture conditions?
There still remains the full power of big tech, the mainstream media, academia, major corporations, major banks against anyone who is publicly not a leftist.
How does one build anything of value despite all of this opposition?
You know me, I'm a subversive little shit.
I'll give you the run down of what I'm doing, and the fundamental takeaways afterwards.
I'm purging myself out of the banking system. I've started using checks again instead of MasterCard & Visa. I'm probably gonna get an American Express card for other online purchases. I'm buying gold and silver to withstand the coming economic collapse. I've actually been passing out silver to my friends and family and telling them not to sell it until I tell them. I'm teaching them the value of their own financial independence through experience. Even if I get fired for opposing communist filth, I'm going to make sure I have some savings built up to withstand the needed time to recover. I'm focusing on trying to rapidly advance my career so I have a niche but necessary skill set that people would have to value more than any immediate Social Justice desire. Meritocracy shall be my shield.
Ingenuity shall be my blade. There's a DIE initiative at my job. I'm still looking to how I can get directly involved and subvert those motherfuckers from the inside. My company is taking a defensive stance on the whole thing. I've been probing my work to see who's aware of what. An easy ice-breaker is talking about guns, and I've been pushing the idea of a range day. I've decided that since there are regular personal goal lectures we do in my company, I will insert subversive anti-diversity and anti-equality messaging however I can. I managed to bring Austrian Economics into a lecture about Time Management. I'm trying to form social groups at work and make sure there are little safe-spaces for right-wing considerations. Rightists open up quite rapidly when they are given a safe opportunity. Besides firearms, other ice breakers involve immigration, free market economics, why I personally don't want education debt forgiveness, occasionally mentioning names that'll get a dog-whistle response like Adam Smith, Thomas Sowell, or even Tucker Carlson. Maybe even throwing religious respect reciprocity towards a Christian I may find (I'll thank and appreciate a Christian for their thoughts and prayers even though I'm an atheist). I'll try and be sociable and a frequent flyer of small businesses. I'll see if I can bring out conversation with them and talk about how I'll keep coming regardless of gubernatorial orders. I'll mention the need for civil disobedience to anyone who will listen.
Then I'm going to join some of my veteran organizations. I've noticed they've expanded their operation into hosting farmers markets. We could use that as an extension of both community building and political foundation building. I may look into joining my industries activist organizations, or even my local political structures. If I can advance my career up a bit further, they'll probably love what I can offer. I'll use my shield as a weapon, bwah ha ha.
The more value I create in myself, the more I am able to wield that value as a weapon against worthless communist scum. Besides this place (which is an easy little victory) you will need to be the pillars of your own, self-built, communities. Now, I can't tell you how you can exploit opportunities in front of you. The opportunists that I'm exploiting are the ones available to me. The first thing you must do is find opportunities to succeed. Then use those opportunities as aggressively as you can to leave entry level skill and go into more intermediate skill sets, all while using a strong savings base to build your financial independence. This will be the foundation of your castle. Then you find more opportunities to build out your keeps and other structures. The opportunities are there, but you must seize them. Aggression is a virtue.
"But what about the institutional power wielded against us?"
This is why you've absolutely got to read "Immigration and Culture" by Thomas Sowell. He goes over the fact that Jews, Asian Indians, and Overseas Chinese succeeded everywhere they immigrated to due to work ethic, aggressive adaptation, and eventually the building of strong communities from the pioneer groups. Their success generated resentment in the domestic populations that caused the state leadership to target these groups with massive systemic and institutional discrimination... but to no avail. The mere culture of ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and what I would call aggressive adaptation, of the people was always enough overwhelm genuine oppression.
A significant portion of this (not only in the US, but also Asia and Africa) was racial oppression, even to the point of specifically barring these ethnic groups from whole sectors of industry and popularizing hatred against them. And that's one of the reasons why I despise racialism and racial protectionism:... it's a fraud. Frankly, it's a fraud that harms the race that it's supposed to 'protect'. It makes them non-competitive, rewards subservience to the racialist authoritarians, and promotes the cultural decay and degeneracy that they were afraid of in the first place.
Despite repeated efforts, Jews, Chinese, and Indians immigrants would preform better than the domestic population until the government saw an opportunity to secure their power by targeting those groups with pogroms. All of them were targeted in the same way, with the same resentment, with the same conspiracy allegations, with the same promise to protect the domestics, with the same outcome: a worse off domestic population when those immigrants were pogromed... because it was never them who were the problem in the first place. It was the desire for a savior by the domestic population that was the fundamental problem.
Now, you see why I keep repeating "buy a galil". Same shit, every few decades.
But the fundamental answer to your question is that the institutional barriers are simply not enough if your own individual initiative and drive to succeed are superior. As someone who occupied Iraq, I could have told you that that was the fundamental danger of any loan wolf terrorist. No static defense is capable of surviving a dedicated attacker with enough time. But I'll also take it a different way:
Look at the truth of the black experience in America. As horrific of a form of oppression as slavery was, freed blacks still managed to succeed outside of the antebellum south. Even being business owners. When Slavery ended, freed blacks fled the south and began building their own communities out west. The children of slaves ran Tulsa's 'black wall-street'. The black literacy rate went from 0% to 50% in less than 50 years, a feat that's effectively unknown in human history. Not only does this disprove the narrative of "slavery holding blacks back" completely fictitious, but considering the damage done to black communities after black racialists took power, it shows just how devastating protectionism and favoritism is compared to oppression. The welfare state, particularly the Black National Socialist movement mixed in with radical feminism and celebrating abortions, may be doing more damage to Black life in America than slavery actually accomplished. Slavery, despite intentionally breaking black families apart, institutionalized a desire to resist that force, and made Blacks search the continent for their missing loved ones. Protectionism, taught them to celebrate single motherhood and abortions, annihilating the black family unit.
You see, the oppression had the inverse effect of strengthening those communities. Similarly, the protectionism had the inverse effect of weakening those communities to the point of utter collapse.
Fren, you may find that the oppression will only be an inspiration to your success, not a barrier to it.
Man, your take on Jewish and (in particular) Indian exceptionalism is just fucking dumb. These groups "succeeded" by taking advantage of Western tolerance and repaying it with rabid nepotism and tribalism. Of course they can outcompete white host populations - whites are not permitted racial or ethnic solidarity of any kind. Can you succeed without that kind of support? Of course. But implying that Indians and Jews are disproportionately "Supermen" is ridiculous.
Good advice all around about saving money, diversifying assets, expanding skills and mastery, subverting the enemy, etc. You're basically building yourself into a superman, and I applaud you for it. But don't imagine that other demographics took the same road to success. Remember that white Western nations were prosperous and effective before Rajit dominated tech and Goldstein dominated, well, everything else.
This shit right here. This shit, right here, is why you should be reading Immigration and Cultures, along with Conquests and Cultures.
Your comment, on it's very face, is utterly ignorant of the subject matter I just spoke about, while claiming that my statement is dumb. You seem to have no understanding of American society prior to around 1970. Don't worry, I'll teach you.
Antisemitism was a norm in American history. White identitarianism was institutionalized into American society. These two systems existed at the same time, and actually part of the same system. Socialism also promoted antisemitism. Antisemitism and White protectionism was a major part of the Progressive Era. It was under these conditions of white identitarianism, protectionism, and antisemitism, that Jews were identified as a group utterly incapable of integrating into American society, due to their low IQ. It was assumed that these low IQ populations would out-breed White (really just Saxon) populations until the white race would be all but utterly trashed within only a few decades.
Once again, the progressive narrative wasn't just wrong, but was a total inversion of reality.
All populations in America saw significant increases in average IQ. The average IQ of Jews rose significantly. The Saxoninoid race did not die out within a few decades. They aren't going to die out either. The assumptions about intelligence, population, and reproduction rates of the Progressive Era were all wrong. Mostly because Progressives, Socialists, and Malthusians are fucking retarded.
But, there's still more wrong with your statement. You just assumed I was talking about America, and not South America, Africa, or SE Asia. I tried mentioning that, but brain skipped over it in a desperate attempt to defend a racialist narrative about white people. You complained about white people not being able to congregate in their own societies in communities (despite the fact that they did), and you seem to have forgotten that Brazilians, Ethiopians, Nigerians, Malayans, Indonesians, and plenty of other non-white populations were out-competed by those same immigrant groups. As wrong as your beliefs are about whites not engaging in white identitarianism, it's even more wrong in Malaya.
Wait, there's still more that's wrong with your statement. You've asserted the word "Superman", which I didn't say. You meant to say "Ubermensch", and to associate that with Hitler's complete and total misreading of Nietzsche. There is literally no one on Earth more ignorant of what Nietzsche was talking about than Adolf Hitler, and attempting to associate "blood" with actually seizing responsibility of yourself is a direct contradiction of Nietzsche's entire point.
In fact, if these immigrant group's successes were based on some permanent genetic trait, we would see the same level of success in every immigrant group across all countries and we would see the same level of success in the immigrant's country of origin. We don't. In fact, the immigrant populations mimic only the specific locales and time periods from which they originated. Different Japanese immigrant groups from different Japanese provinces at different times created vastly different cultures in North and South America because they represented a very specific segment of people from very specific places and times.
The common feature of success is not genetic predisposition, but behavior and culture itself. A culture of success breeds success, and a culture of failure breeds failure. Fostering a culture of dependency... breeds failure. This is why Leftism kills itself, it promotes dependency and guarantees the death of any useful & successful culture. Voluntary immigrant groups in general tend to be more successful than their domestic originators because they represent a swath of the most aggressive, ambitious, and non-risk averse population. This is why you see the opposite among mass migrants from socialist or authoritarian countries who are being incentivized to create corporate plantation colonies in the first world. They aren't of that same pioneering spirit.
And so there's still one last thing you got wrong. What you call "nepotism", is just racialism, but you've decided that 'racist' should actually have a positive connotation, and that's why you don't want to associate it with Jews. If you were willing to be honest, you'd say that the Jews were doing nothing wrong in regards to 'nepotism', because you want to have white people do the same. You want white people to give a subtle wink and make sure "their people" are "taken care of". Unfortunately for you, neither Whites nor Jews do this. Now, in reality, what everyone of the groups I mentioned had in common was a willingness to become a 'middle man minority'. To find gaps in the marketplace, and take advantage of those opportunities by providing an intermediary group to the domestic population that is willing to do beneficial, but otherwise unpalatable work to the domestic population. Why it is unpalatable differs from society to society. It could be sectarian issues, religious issues, political issues, or even a lack of technical skill in some particular niche. What these middle-man minorities actually have are close communities, able to effectively share human capital among themselves, for the benefit of all (including whoever is paying them). A tight-knit community has the ability to use their shared knowledge, experience, to fit it's members into well-placed opportunities that would otherwise be unknown to an atomized individual. There is also the fact that these close-knit communities create a communal feed-back in the event that a community member violates a social norm that could harm the reputation of the community. A blacksmith's son might be hired on a ranch to help fit his father's horse shoes to the animals by a rancher that has developed a good business relationship with the father. If the son is derelict in his duty, he is not simply fired, but the rancher can go to his father, and social punishment will set the boy back on the right path.
Now, couldn't white people do this? ... Yes, they did. It's in the book. The chapter on German immigrants is quite vast for all of these same reasons. This is the methodology of success.
Now, onto what I actually said.
Protectionist policies make their target audience non-competitive. This is why unions destroy labor, Feminism destroys women, Welfare destroys black families, and Racialism attack the identity group it seeks to protect. It promotes weakness and dependency in the very groups it claims to uplift by making those groups dependent on the authoritarian providing them a protection racket. Instead of promoting individual initiative, protectionism disincentives it. Instead of building strong communities, authoritarianism makes everyone dependent on the authority's bureaucracy as a community.
Except they did. It's exactly why they were targeted. Resentment is a very useful political tool to a power establishment that seeks to maintain it's protection racket, while securing a popular base. The politics of resentment that you are buying into will serve you just as badly as it has served everyone who came before you. My biggest criticism of all of these groups is that instead of telling resentful submissive like yourself: "No, we owe you nothing", they typically say, "Okay, we'll help you" and grant you the paternalism you seek, which only worsens the resentment, and guarantees the inevitable violence from the establishment seeking to secure itself.
The next time you think "Golly gee whilickers I sure don't like those Jews", just remind yourself: "Suck it up buttercup, the Jews you nothing."