The point about tiktok was only in relation to the capacity of women. Trash media, CCP or otherwise, has absolute bearing, because such an outcome was inevitable afters womens liberation. (most) Women are an army of mental children, just waiting to be mobilized. We used to mobilize them for child rearing and homekeeping, but they've been coopted and used for nefarious purpose. It's not much different than raising a child without boundaries. They will often test their boundaries until they settle into worthlessness.
The point about tiktok was only in relation to the capacity of women. Trash media, CCP or otherwise, has absolute bearing, because such an outcome was inevitable afters womens liberation. (most) Women are an army of mental children, just waiting to be mobilized. We used to mobilize them for child rearing and homekeeping, but they've been coopted and used for nefarious purpose. It's not much different than raising a child without boundaries. They will often test their boundaries until they settle into worthlessness.