posted ago by IWanttotalknow ago by IWanttotalknow +37 / -0

Because of how polarized things have gotten, that it's become easier to see what is actually going on if you pay attention. I think that has to due with polarization becoming so powerful that the restraint we're looking at to hem things in is basically the foundational document of the United States. Those are the limits - the rules we play by.

When we push on those limits, people start to pay more attention. America has been sort of a sleeping giant of politics in the sense that the majority of it's people don't vote. Stuff happens, life goes on, no one really pays much attention. But that number has been going up in recent years, especially where we are now in 2020. And once someone starts to familiarize themselves with things and if they can look at things dispassionately can start to see obvious trends emerging.

As I write this (since things happen so quickly), I'm seeing Biden wanting to do more lockdown (4 - 6 weeks, and we know how that works out), I'm seeing his campaign announced they want to get back into Syria (yay, promising more war...), setting up "task forces" for things like online harassment (boy, will social media people love that one!), it's not hard to understand one side wants power, and wants it very badly. People called it the swamp before Trump came along, long before.

Meanwhile, Trump is fighting legally in the courts, and removed several high ranking officials recently who weren't trust worthy, a left-wing government official is trying to block him from declassifying documents on the grounds that it would be potentially damaging to the country. The power struggle is going on at every level of government, because both sides know how to read the Constitution and one side doesn't care too much about it while the other one wants to defend it to the teeth.

Every step right now from either side is basically a power move, each one more blatant than before if it's not censored or ignored by the media, or made so light of that no one cares. The media's corruption levels are so off the charts high that we actually have no clue what's going on besides this polarized battle we're locked into. Did all bad things outside politics also stop happening? The purposeful self-blinding of the media, their complicity in destroying their own profession has made the very things they want to hide glaringly obvious to anyone not suffering TDS.

It will take some time before people even understand that politics isn't just this thing that happens in offices, deals are made and honored or not, and it's all sort of for a better purpose. Not when the politicians are using all the power they can exert to try and grab on to more power. Things that happen in other countries, they can't happen in the United States? Or have happened? Like Eric Weinstein says, we're waking up from a very long nap as a society and turns out there's a reason for politics and it's not nearly as nice as the propaganda would have us believe.