I'd like to give an insight to all that is happening from another point of view. I think the Democrats are already preparing an argument that the president stole the election again. They intend to stymie his time as best they can, by using this tactic the rest of his presidency.
It's a win win scenario, they either win the election because someone flinched, or they can gain power by claiming it was stolen. Every article and movement seems to have this same set up. Even declaring Biden the winner early only works if they are setting up that argument.
A friend pointed it out, and I thought I would share.
I would expect a heavy handed response to the rioters as soon as they are in charge. They will say the rioters are right wing agitators, and then send in the police force. A group will be made up, and hand wringing reports on how dangerous they are, while the police clean it up for the safety of all.
Could be, but they'd be biting the hand that feeds them. It's a good sacrifice, because they'll get some moderate support. Kind of makes it a win win for me, because it brings the left party to the right while exiling the extreme, but it also leaves leftism festering, so it's a temporary victory that risks complacency.