Whichever way this election goes, I don't care. The reality is that America is so divided that a horrible, violent conflict is completely unavoidable and I don't want to raise children in an environment like that, nor do I care enough about this country to put my life on the line for it.
I'm a grown man with a wife and we're about to start a family. Neither of us want to live here any more but we just don't know where to go. So many places sound great on paper but have hidden terrors once you dig a little deeper.
All we want is to live in a country where NO racism -actual, overt, hateful racism - is tolerated (unlike America where anti white racism is not only tolerated but rewarded), there's a sense of community, and crime and corruption are low. Does a place like this exist? I don't even care if it's not majority white as long as they won't hate me for my race like they do here. Certain eastern european countries look promising, but they all seem to have the same political strife and internal hatred that America does, and even the most peaceful South American countries are corrupt as hell.
Politically we don't care how the country leans. What we're trying to run from is the hate and the violence, not any particular ideology.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Well, of course don't look at Canada, but even the modern bullshit aside, it was originally built on racist lines, but with Natives actually the "privileged" class, with Metis as #2, followed by Whites. Non-white immigrants used to be next, but modern bullshit rose them up above the whites. Because you had shit like the sikh organizations saying crap like "those [Indians] get special treatment, so should we!", showing their total lack of knowledge/disdain for Canadian history and why they get "preferential treatment" (they aren't a conquered people, retards. The French are. Canadian history is not just "a more boring version of American history". Band payments is paying the fucking rent.) See Immigration Watch Canada for many examples of sikh bullying.
As for the generous concessions and cultural/religious/linguistic protections the conquered French got after the Plains of Abraham? Well, I guess the English have been "cucked" for a very long time, indeed.
Perhaps something wrong in the genome that was simply amplified by the culling of two World Wars ...