I accurately quoted a spokesman for the foreign election observers who have been locked out of the Philadelphia vote count. He has since written back to me, asking that I delete my tweet. Why? Who is pressuring him to shut up?
It's all about the monetary system. They can't let Orange Man have an input on the Fed if it has to replace the monetary system, especially with a weak House, and a Republican Senate.
IMF jet setters and world bankers, easily. We can't have another four years of orange man tanking the petrodollar and hurting the wealth transfer to China, the model they want the rest of the world to hegemonically follow now.
China's '''citizens''' don't question who the debt is owned by and don't stop their government from directly forcing world bank membership and fiat currency on their hegemonic vassals. If the leadership plays along they'll even reap the benefits of being the public facing second tier of world leadership.
What's not to love unless you don't want to be an interchangeable slurry of 80 IQ human economic unit.
This is nothing new. This is what these international observers have been like for decades - prime example being the UN. These are toothless Yes Men who get paid to generate headlines, so CNN can tell you "experts" have declared that, in fact, your eyes are lying to you. Without even checking I'm willing to bet that this particular team is bankrolled by globalists.
Cheat and win, or lose but never ever get caught.
The leftist way.
I just wanted to play video games....
It's all about the monetary system. They can't let Orange Man have an input on the Fed if it has to replace the monetary system, especially with a weak House, and a Republican Senate.
IMF jet setters and world bankers, easily. We can't have another four years of orange man tanking the petrodollar and hurting the wealth transfer to China, the model they want the rest of the world to hegemonically follow now.
China's '''citizens''' don't question who the debt is owned by and don't stop their government from directly forcing world bank membership and fiat currency on their hegemonic vassals. If the leadership plays along they'll even reap the benefits of being the public facing second tier of world leadership.
What's not to love unless you don't want to be an interchangeable slurry of 80 IQ human economic unit.
Silencing International voting observers, eh?
u/christianknight , u/w-duranty6489 , we really did enter some Tropico level shit right here.
El Presidente is loved by his people, there is no need to cheat.
Jesus christ.
I'm very curious at wtf are they hiding.
I have a feeling that Biden got decimated and this is just damage control.
This is nothing new. This is what these international observers have been like for decades - prime example being the UN. These are toothless Yes Men who get paid to generate headlines, so CNN can tell you "experts" have declared that, in fact, your eyes are lying to you. Without even checking I'm willing to bet that this particular team is bankrolled by globalists.
Sigh.... that makes sense.
Rebel's news story on it: https://www.rebelnews.com/breaking_trump_supporters_barred_from_observing_ballot_counting_in_violation_of_court_order
Big if True