As this election has shown, fighting fair isn't exactly working out. But thankfully the enemy is also vulnerable to the same tactics they have used against us.
At this point win or lose, were insurgents. Even in a 2nd term Trump administration, we will still have to deal with tech censorship, MSM controlling the narrative, and politicians as well as authority figures such as judges, DA's, and prosecutors subverting the system.
Thus the only way I see us surviving if not winning is to essentially imbed ourselves amongst the enemy and take them out from within using their own tactics.
The MeToo movement falling out of favor with many Leftists is an example of their tactics being used against them. The Left in many cases has no problem with cannibalizing their own. Their reactions are often emotionally based and they are easy to manipulate with keywords or ideas. Which is why they often appropriate names which inherently mean positive things such as "Anti Fascist" or "Black Lives Matter". It's naturally difficult to argue against those simple concepts in constrained platforms like Twitter especially to imbeciles which make up the bulk of people who react to these things. This is often why keywords such as "rape", "racist", "white supremacist" are quickly thrown around since people instantly react to those. Controlling the initial narrative is key.
As we have seen with this past election, the breakdown of those on the right has grown in terms of diversity. The Left no longer has a monopoly on blacks, latinos, asians and the lgbt. Meanwhile the Left has grown in terms of white support. This works against them since the primary boogeyman of the left has been white people. Thus being primarily made up of white people themselves, it makes them easier targets to their own tactics.
The strategy is simple, simply pay attention to what new thing they are up in arms against them use and abuse it on known Leftists. I've already found success in this on a personal level, using Leftist talking points to demolish another Leftist is surprisingly easy. They are conditioned to be on the offensive and instantly being apologetically submissive to these accusations that when levied against them. They simply crumble. When carried out on popular social media platforms, watching the ensuing dogpiling of other leftists is beyond hilarious and satisfying.
What is the ultimate goal of this?
Simple, the reality is that Trump was sadly more like a diagnosis of cancer that has infected this country rather than a cure. Even with him as President, the ideology of Woke had already taken root in almost every facet of our society. In fact, him being President only emboldened them even further, giving them more justification for their ideology. Thus by using their tactics and ideology against them. It will eventually cause enough self-damage that eventually they will naturally turn against it naturally. Similarly to the MeToo movement being abandoned, key figures started to fear being accused themselves. Thus when the keyfigures who are predominantly white realize they are now vulnerable to their own rhetoric. They will in time naturally abandon this ideology, or fall victim to it.
I welcome all thoughts, comments, and critiques of this battle plan. Thank you
You realize Leftists don't have a moral core nor principles. Leftists won't stop MeToo as a principle, they WANT to MeToo each other. Shooting each other is leftist culture.
You must gain billions of dollars of funding ala Soros, buy governors, DAs, breaucrats, media, teachers, corporate etc. All of America is corrupt in some form. postmillenial thefederalist dailywire Wokal Distance @wokal_distance Samuel Rz @realsmlrz
Unless you have a multi-billion dollar propaganda machine, I don't think controlling the narrative is a possibility. Hell, how do you plan on funding all those scientists who are just fishing for grant money?
Turning hypocrites on themselves is pretty funny, I think that's why we do it. Don't fall for intersectionality, and don't victim blame. Drop red pills. Fight for free speech and debunk fake news. Convert your poor deceived neighbors, don't push them into despair because they aren't woke enough for their brainwashed friends.
Fight the censorship, and bring back the arena of ideas. When this happens, we have won.
Well, that's the point, we use the narrative against them.
As I pointed out the bulk of their base is currently made up of white men. For instance, according to Critical Race Theory, white men are basically scum. It didn't say "white men except for left wingers or antifa types" it just said, white men. Meaning, they are included in their own shit list. Thus we exploit that.
The big targets like politicians will probably be immune to this. Because naturally the MSM will play defense for them or tech companies will simply quash any talk of it.
But the smaller to middle-sized targets that make up their base. Like, let's say the occasional blue checkmark on Twitter. If they suddenly fall victim to a sexual assault allegation or something of the like. It's usually quite damaging to them.
Think of it this way, imagine accusing an ISIS member of heresy and watching them get beheaded by other ISIS members. One, you managed to remove one enemy and two, it puts into question how valid their methods are. Other members will question if the member they really was a heretic and starts sowing the seeds of doubt in their mind.
That's feeding into the belief system that people are defined by which groups they belong to. I'd rather move people based on opening dialog and dispelling this negative culture of divisive rhetoric.
Edit reply: That's not the same thing, there's a bunch of people who don't know shit or care about politics and philosophy, they haven't broken free of the programming. When people see they've been lied to, it's much more persuasive than trying to break the cognitive dissonance.
You're going to be applying this to people who already believe that so it changes nothing if anything. All you're doing is directing their malice towards one of their own.
Obviously use common sense and good judgment when applying these tactics. If you're dealing with some schmuck that just gets their opinions from Twitter. Then why even waste your time?
This is designed to be a tactic aimed at actually dismantling key figures. As in Blue Checkmarks with tens of thousands of followers.
I'm glad you mean the priests and not the congregation, but it's not a war of ideals, it's an information war.
They also won't have a second of shame to redefine what 'white men' means, so if you think this is actually exploitable, you're wrong.
It's already normalized.
Right now our tactics feels like the court scene in Idiocracy, where we try to passionately explain our points with reason and logic. But the crowd is made up of imbeciles that just latch on to the fact that the other person called you an "xxxx-ist" therefore everything you have to say must be false or bigoted.
Trying to beat a cry bully by crying doesn't work anyway. None of them mean what they say about tolerance and justice. The mob only coalesces around some alleged sins when they want that particular target punished for personal reasons, not because they believe strongly in the actual accusation.
Look at what happened when Uncle Joe got accused of sexual assault, suddenly they all found buckets of skepticism, because the means were always just an excuse to achieve the ends and Biden's end wasn't one they wanted.
Sure a few who lean particularly heavily on the idiot side of useful idiots will engage in some blue on blue, but it will never implode the whole group because for the majority the game was always empowering the group by any means necessary.
But OP's not entirely wrong, there are certainly ways to make their ugliest tactics work against them. There's a strong current of dismantling oversight and unspoken trust in fellow comrades necessary to make all the shady shit happen. It would be a real shame if one of those party volunteers 'accidentally' left unsupervised with the ballots mistakenly dropped the wrong pile of ballots in the incinerator. Or if those 'free drinks, with complimentary hand wiping towel attached' anonymously passed out at black bloc riots turned out to be very dangerous to hold even briefly if they caught fire. Once they get betrayed enough times in ways made untraceable by their own design they'll be clamoring to reinstate the proper systems of accountability and oversight that won't give themselves enough plausible deniability to pull off the really malicious stuff, like, say, defrauding an entire nation's election process or murdering people in the street.
I get a little torn about things like this. On one hand, I really don't care to stoop to their level, Especially since people will be quick to call me a hypocrite for doing so given my beliefs.
On the other, I already get treated as being to divisive by neutrals. So what is there really to lose?
But whatever, I'm probably better off ranting about "our" movement, which I have a lot to say about shit from over the years.