Reminder that Chelsea Handler supports and defends Louis Farrakhan, who calls Joooooz 'termites'.
EDIT: On second thought, maybe the dumb bitch is right. Healthy people don't spend time thinking about their race. I remember a happy time before 2014 when I never had to, as it has never had any negative effect on my life. Perhaps this serves the same purpose as a Wight Supreeemist Unicorn calling a black man a 'nigger' - saying that you're beneath me because you are black. Instead, this is remember your place, do as I say, because you're black.
Reminder that Chelsea Handler supports and defends Louis Farrakhan, who calls Joooooz 'termites'.
EDIT: On second thought, maybe the dumb bitch is right. Healthy people don't spend time thinking about their race. I remember a happy time before 2014 when I never had to, as it has never had any negative effect on my life. Perhaps this serves the same purpose as a Wight Supreeemist Unicorn calling a black man a 'nigger' - saying that you're beneath me because you are black. Instead, this is remember your place, do as I say, because you're black.