In a quick break from the insanity in the real world, I thought I'd see what everyone was playing, or looking to play.
Being a huge X-Wing/Tie Fighter fan, I'd really like to play Star Wars: Squadrons, but I refuse to give EA money, and the developer pushing bullshit pronoun nonsense sealed the deal.
Instead, I'm about to start Yakuza Kiwami for the first time.
What are you guys enjoying right now?
Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried most of those.
I loved Hollow Knight. It's one of my favorite games.
I started playing Sundered and enjoyed it a lot, but stopped for some reason I don't remember (Busy? Megaman X collection? The answer is lost to time.). I should pick up it again because that game is pretty sweet.
I actually started playing Blasphemous recently but haven't able to really get into. Everything in it feels so slow. Maybe I need to give it more of a shot, but so far I feel like it's not really for me.
Axiom Verge is on my wish list. If it goes on sale I'll probably snatch it up. Especially since the sequel is coming out this year.
Ultimately though, Dead Cells is black hole that just keeps sucking me in.
Have you played Cuphead? That's been another one of my favorites since getting back on the 2d game wagon (which I had been off of since I was a kid).
Yeah, I beat Cuphead, though I didn't 100% everything. Thought it was great, but the load times killed my desire to keep playing. It was a work of art though.
My only gripe with Sundered is that you have to do some farming to get your damage/health/shields up to a level where you can survive the waves of shit that come at you. I'd have found it a much more enjoyable experience if it were possible to get through the game on pure skill. I've gone through it a few times though despite it, so it obviously wasn't a deal-breaker for me.
Blasphemous, I'd agree, is an acquired taste. The combat isn't as well developed as something like a Hollow Knight, but the exploration is pretty decent.