And now its the other way round and now its the weebs that are the ones that have to tell others (tourists) that anime girls aren't real? im so sick of people treating fictional characters like they are real and real people like they are fiction.
At one time, I would’ve taken their opinions seriously, now I assume they are barely better than animals in terms of intelligence
Anytime i bring up crime statistics in an argument with a black person , they always ALWAYS behave as if they don't know what PER CAPITA means .
i was argueing with someone who was defending the localizers of Granblue Fantasy: Relink and bad translations and the censorship of outfits. Normally people like this i know are just bad actors and agenda driven so you can never reason with them because they aren't interested with being reasoned with they just want to win and push their own agendas. . And he even tried to call people who spoke against localizations, " tourist"(deliberately stealing our word) just because we dont talk about the game on twitter.
I kept emphasizing the fact that he wasn't a real fan and that we call people like him tourists because they are fine with the original works getting butchered . He kept defending and making excuses, from saying that "the company probably oversees it and they were fine with it so its faithful" to "why dont you just learn Japanese"
I kept emphasizing that he is not a real fan and that he's a tourist if he is fine with the original works being butchered by localizers , that he's not a fan of the original works and what the original creator intended instead he wants the localizer's works and i said instead of "just learn Japanese" and instead of the localizers butchering the original works why don't the translators just do their job, properly. .
.....and something i never see on twitter happened is that he actually came around and started asking whether the German version was also mistranslated (and whether the mistranslations were intentional ) as that is what he plays and he wants to know if he's "safe" from "woke" mistranslations
So why was he defending the localizers and the censorship in the first place WTF? Was he just defending the localizers just because he wants to defend "authorities" and not out of any real personal belief or principle?. ? wtf. So not only do we have to deal with actual agenda driven communists, we also have to deal with retard NPC's that just like to defend the "authorities" for no reason other than they are "authorities"
Who decided that it was "sinful" to be "racist"?
Who decided that it was "sinful" to say or think anything negative about gays?
Who decided it was "sinful" to say or think anything negative about trans?
Who decided it was "sinful" to say or think that women have a different role to men?
Why? Why can't we say or think these things?. No where in the bible does it say any of this is a sin. Quite the opposite. So who decided they were to be "sins"?
Even here we have rule 15 and rule 16. Why the fuck do we have rule 15 and rule 16?
The article about the Japanese feminists calling fully clothed women "porn" said something that hit the nail in how woke fucks operate.
They don’t consider how absurd they themselves sound, rather they just aim to attach the most damaging label they believe will affect you. If you’re someone who finds porn derogative, they’ll use that term to elicit a reaction in their favor.
You see this sort of thing with woke fucks all the time. They throw out the most damaging labels they can think of even when its not true, not accurate and doesn't make sense. What do you call this phenomena?
The villains, (SEELE) a secret organization who secretly control world governments, want to fuse all humans in to one to bring back their satanic god.
Now look at whats happening. They want to fuse men and women with transgenderism and nonbinary shit, they want to fuse countries and remove borders and create a one world government and they want to fuse races with race mixing.
i saw on twitter a screenshot (i forgot to save it, sorry) of an interview by localizers admitting that they've completely scraped the Japanese dialogue of entire scenes and completely changed entire story scenes before.
That's how bad it is. We need to look at Japanese games over the last decade or so and retranslate all of them i think
They were going to translate the "irreversible damage" book in to Japanese and then trannies and foreign localizers started bitching about it and then they cancelled it
Fucking traitors of their country. they know how damaging the alphabet ideology is . The Japanese translators do anyway this was what the summary said:
Original title: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters
against discrimination. But can we ignore thi**s cruel fact?
Over 120,000 copies sold in the US, translated into 10 languages , The Times, The Sunday Times, The Economist, Best Book of the Year, New York Times bestseller,
and his enthusiasm is contagious on social media. A controversial work in which an up-and-coming journalist challenges a taboo!
Number of British girls seeking gender healthcare has increased by 4,400% in 10 years! 40% of American college students are LGBTQ! There is a strange boom in which girls who did not have gender dysphoria in childhood suddenly undergo a "gender change" during adolescence. Schools, influencers, therapists, medical care, and even the government are promoting it, and if you object, even international authorities in the medical and scientific world will cancel your job and lose your job. Is this the near future of Japan?
Now that the LGBT Act has been enforced and the sterility requirement of the Gender Identity Disorder Special Cases Act has been declared unconstitutional, what should we do to protect children? -
Over 8,000 threatening US Amazon reviews *★4.8 (2023 (As of December 2017)
What is happening in Europe and America right now? A Wall Street Journal reporter interviewed 200 people and 50 families. "I saw a social media video of my daughter after her mastectomy. She was lying in a hospital bed, crying tears of joy, saying it was the best day of her life. Her 400-strong cheering squad... "You did it!" and "That's great."And those are normal people.'' This is a message from mothers to a girl whose body and soul has been taken over by gender ideology. Love letter.
End of summary
Since they caved in to people complaining about translating it, go ahead and give them a piece of your mind also for being so weak its obvious they have no fucking spine and just go with whoever complains the most. Maybe if we complain that they cancelled it enough they will undo the cancellation. Here's their tweet announcing the cancellation. Its getting ratio'd at the moment
though if i remember correctly the new kadokawa president is trash and part of WEF and this cements it. He said he wanted to censor for google and apple and he got backlash for it . He apologized and cut his own pay ** but he never stepped down**
If they end up never translating it i hope some hero makes a translated PDF version to share on the Japanese internet or something now that it at least has a bit of publicity in Japan