taiw 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is not shocking at all since "gay" males are the white males of the LGBT sect. They were always going to be the first target whenever the self purge began. Not only because they are "normative" men, but because they dare to like and appreciate normative masculine men, the number one enemy of the leftoids.

And if that wasn't enough they are immune to women's manipulative sexual strategies that turns "straight" men into submissive slobbering cuckolds. What's not to hate here for the woke religion?

taiw -1 points ago +1 / -2

They're basically on the same level as contributing non-humans (dogs, cats and horses)

Funny considering Alexander the great named cities after his dog, meaning even the dog of a "gay" have contributed more historically, socially and economically than a "straight" making retarded statements on the internet, not to mention he had a biological child, something I'm afraid people like you will die chasing until they realize their tradthot family fantasy is only that, a fantasy.

They contribute socially or economically, not genetically. There's no point in doing anything to them sterilization-wise, because they're not going to breed, anyway.

Every single time there's a moronic incel pretending gays and lesbians cannot reproduce. I guess they truly believe if they repeat the same stupidity over and over again it becomes true? I suppose they turn a blind eye everytime they see a pregnant lesbian, a surrogate mother or sperm banks, if they ever leave the basement that is. I mean, maybe I'm imagining the homosexual parents with genetic children I know of. This shit about pretending homosexual people are somehow unable to have children is really no different than the wokes pretending really hard you can change your sex; biological facts don't care about your feelings, political stances or religions.

taiw 1 point ago +1 / -0

Genuinely curious: how does he justify his sexual preference with eugenics? From the pov of eugenics he's a dead end thus not improving the quality of the human population.

You got it the other way around, the question is why shouldn't he be pro eugenics? There's absolutely zero benefit to being "heterosexual" when you can be sexually attracted to males and still get your dick hard to breed a woman, in fact that same "heterosexuality" aka disguised misandry and cuckoldry is what will lead to the fall of any civilized society.