jsmith81 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not a "CCP shill", I've never even set foot in China. You, on the other hand, is a Jew going around shilling for Israel, and contrary to what I do, you're employing lies to shill for Israel.

You really make it easy to understand why you people were banned from 109 countries, you people are the closest to pure evil one can get.

jsmith81 1 point ago +4 / -3

They outproduce every country on Earth because every country on Earth is currently supporting them to outproduce every country on Earth. In fact, part of their problem is they are outproducing at an explicitly higher cost than everyone else, for no purpose. Nothing in their economy is efficient, which is why even with high scalability, their costs are so high per unit. The entire planet needs to purchase all available Chinese goods in order to keep the industries running, otherwise they would fully collapse, as it is an industrial ponzi scheme. Of course, purchasing all available Chinese goods will not be enough to keep their economy afloat.

Repeating the same lie multiple times doesn't make it true.

Israel doesn't parasitize anything

HAHAH there it is, like clockwork. Every fucking time you find some retard spreading the most random disinformation online, it always comes back to this. I can see why the word "parasite" is so stuck in your vocabulary though - you are one.

It's interesting that instead of watching one video, you memorized the entire past 5 years of videos from China Uncensored. You definitely haven't seen them before.

No, really. I haven't. I can prove it:


I literally just scrolled through their catalogue just then and wrote down a few of the funniest ones I found. List could've easily been longer if I went deeper in. No comment on the actual content though? Just gonna skip past the "CHINA'S ABOUT TO NUKE RUSSIA BY USING COMMUNIST MIND CONTROL" to speculate on whether or not I've seen the channel before? 😂

jsmith81 -4 points ago +1 / -5

Nah, no bot writes like that, you're just absolutely retarded.

jsmith81 4 points ago +11 / -7

This has got to be thé dumbest comment I've ever read lol

if left to their own devices, they almost always have nothing. They only succeed when fed because they are parasites

How exactly are they parasitic? They outproduce any other country on earth, and their economy skyrocketed by being more efficient than any other country in most regards, to the point where they can outcompete their European/American counterparts despite shipping costs & tariffs. Nobody is forced to buy chinese goods, any country is free to increase their tariffs if they want. Market economy at work.

An example of parasitism is Israel or most African countries. They take, take, take and provide nothing in return. China is entirely self-sustaining.

But the funniest part of your reply is the link to a Youtube channel that releases a new video every 1-2 days about how china is racist, weekly videos about how china is going to collapse any day now, how a china-nato war is imminent, how china is making the climate change, how china is about to launch a nuclear attack, how chinese peopl are starving, how china has the ugliest buildings, how china is teaming up with the taliban, how china's neighboring countries are about to invade them, how china is about to invade America, how china is trying to start a war in space, how china will betray and invade russia, conspiracy theory about how xi jinping might've died in a flood (11 months ago, spoiler: he didn't die in a flood), how china is about to start a war in 24 DAYS (also 11 months ago, spoiler: china didn't start a war in 24 days), how the great wall of china is about to collapse (spoiler: it didn't collapse), how xi jinping is about to get assassinated (spoiler: he didn't get assassinated), how china about to start another pandemic (9 month old video, spoiler: they didn't start another pandemic), how the US border crisis is actually china's fault (spoiler: it's the democrats' fault), how china has ebola bio labs in california, how china's military is "too big to fight" (what? 😂), how an american businesswoman died and "Something Tells Me China’s Behind It" (spoiler: no evidence at all), how "Russia Plans to Nuke China", how china is screwing over israel, how china is screwing over palestine, how russia AND china are going to invade taiwan together, how china is using "communist mind control"

This guy's an unintentional comedian so I do appreciate you introducing me to him, he earned himself 1 new subscriber thanks to you! 😂