iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

their telegram channel now has a bot that redirects to this one https://t.me/swentr

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

telegram says its Google blocking these channels. not sure how exactly that would work if Telegram is encrypting its traffic

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

Question: 'Rule implementation' - did you try it turn based or real time? real time sucked in that game, but turn based is very good imo.

Consider looking at it again and using mods for companions.


this mod lets you edit savegames and replace portraits for all NPCs and companions with custom art. Replacement affects splash screens. If you hate their dialogue and voices, you can use this same mod to edit your cash and purchase a roster of companions you get to customize yourself.

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

its a matter of the systems they employ. Neither NWN2 nor DOS2 allow such a breadth of options and possibilities of making a character and custom companions as Kingmaker

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0


this mod lets one edit savegames and replace portraits for all NPCs and companions with custom art. Replacement affects splash screens.

Went to the trouble to switch the 'strong females' with very lewd fetish variants. Makes them bearable.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +2 / -1

I would even dispute the 'strong independent women' bit. Amiri at first glance is the feminist barbarian girl, but she literally submits to the PC as her Chief within 2 hours into the game.

Valerie is just a caricature - her whole back story is so ridiculous, especially coupled with her completely mediocre appearance that in my court she is basically the jester except she doesn't know it.

Past that - Kingmaker is the only CRPG I know where you can get legitimate threesome relationship with male PC and 2 sisters. That kind of polygamy i like.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +2 / -1

I am playing it now. I like it. When it came it out it was abysmal - but it was because there was no turn based. With Turn Based, its now legit the best CRPG game I know of.

As for the sjw influence - idk, aside from the slut pair of ex-slaves, I don't read the rest as being to sjwish. I see some anti-sjw stuff to counter balance it. Kingmaker was among the first AP's released by Paizo, back before Paizo went hard left. It has its good moments.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am usually on board with boycotting SJWs, but there is more to this one for me. Tabletop 3.x is my favorite gaming engine. Pathfinder 1st edition is it's last iteration.

In the tabletop world, its done. The company moved on to 2nd edition (a very cucked abomination), 3rd party publishers all but dropped supporting the old edition.

This game is perhaps the last product made for 1st Edition Pathfinder.

Besides, it's kind of easy for me to lay the blame for sjw bullshit on Paizo here - the company that were the hero until they became the villain, and still give a nod to Owlcat Games who did a good job in adopting the ruleset.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are right about it being easy to ignore. for me it's still an annoying thorn because I like the 3.x era and I loved the era of Paizo's birth back when they were truly on the edge. Necromancers Games and Frog God Games wrote adventures that truly got me into the hobby. I always saw Paizo as their scion and it burns me to remember what they were like in their prime and how they got eaten by identity politics.

I also still support the game. KSed Kingmaker and just missed Wrath - but I do intend to buy it anyway.

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

if anyone ever wants to check out the source material from tabletop


you can download PDFs of all the adventure paths here. I like to read these as short stories

iamherefortheluls -14 points ago +2 / -16

not going to stop me from buying the game - too big a fan of the system and but sad to see game devs I like, consistently cuck out

iamherefortheluls 20 points ago +20 / -0

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iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

at least one of those should be an easy criminal case to win.

Looking at the others... I wonder if some cancel culture tactics might be appropriate here.