Geiger counter should go REEEEEEEEEEE


Is there a simple way to check the developer and publisher against a list, or do I have no option other than investigating each one personally?


One of the most absurd part of this current evil is how mediocre it is. It has no rousing marching songs, no striking iconography. It has no heroic myths, its martyrs are junkies, pedos, and cowering, forgettable (and still alive!) politicians. Its principal virtue is victimhood, its devotees actively make themselves worse people inside and outside in rejection of “Western standards”.

It doesn't even have an unambiguous name, for fuck's sake!

What other ideology, movement, empire, religion has ever managed to achieve this level of mind control while being so utterly hollow?

It's a bitter thing to perish, and it's two times as bitter to be devoured by this— this amorphous blob.


We all need friends in these trying times, and those who were hurt by the new regime need friends most of all. That's all I wanted to say.


The enemies are not shy about unambiguously stating their intentions. They openly say that they want to exterminate, or decimate, or put into work camps undesirables: men, or White people, or everybody to the right of Stalin.

All this side has are nebulous daydreams of resistance, always, always strictly in defense when an atrocious line will be crossed. Spoiler alert: that resistance will never happen. The enemy will boil the frog slowly, or the line will keep shifting, or you will quietly give up those intentions. And even if this view is too cynical, if people really have a breaking point, it still means ceding the massive amounts of ground in front of that line in the sand to the enemy.

Are you afraid of giving a reason for them to act against your internet community? Tell me, do they really need a genuine reason? Haven't they employed enough false flags, double standards, out of context quotes, and outright lies?

Now, of course, if you decide to act, you should vet the people thrice over, and then vet them some more. I don't think I would pass a rigorous enough screening. But muzzling yourself in a pseudonymous forum is only doing the enemy's work for them.