americandrunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

And here is where the rubber meets the road.

If you are the glorious expression of your peoples survival for 500 000 years or more in conditions so harsh you cannot fathom it (ever consider going out into the woods naked with no camping gear, no tools and try to survive for week?), just how much reverence do you have for the continuation of your lineage?

THIS is the goal of the magic trick. A magic trick has two components: HIDE INFORMATION (don't tell them the whole truth) and REDIRECT THEIR FOCUS to an area that is beneficial to you. All magic tricks are exactly this slight of hand.

The moment you start to see ALL OF THE INFORMATION and the moment you start to FOCUS ON YOUR SURVIVAL is the moment you are focused on the survival of your people.

The only question here is, DO YOU control your access to information and your focus or does your enemy.

americandrunk 3 points ago +4 / -1

That is quite the quote there.

As well, once a persons starts to see the magic trick these charlatans are pulling, a kind of synthesis happens:

  • All of a sudden you can, simultaneously, see your purpose as an individual and purpose as a member of an in group.

  • All of a sudden you understand why you need to pick up the heaviest thing you can find and carry it and why it's important to clean your room bucko.

  • All of a sudden you have clarity beyond the horizon imposed on you by charlatans, you have access to the full database instead of a tiny column of data over there in the corner that these people need you to be slaves to.

  • All of a sudden all of our myths and history have meaning and every black and white photo comes to life and every 40 000 year old etching on a cave in France has deep deep spiritual and transitive quality.

  • All of a sudden you understand why you exist and you understand the maximum potential meaning of your life will have accumulated at your death bed.

All of a sudden death, life and the present have new meaning.

There are reasons they want us to forget the past and become atomized. This isn't by accident.

americandrunk 0 points ago +3 / -3

That's the trick. The trick is to get you to think it is more one vs the other and that you have a choice. This isn't so at all. Individualism vs ingroup are there and present all the time with every action and every inaction you ever take.

You CANNOT take an action that either DOESN'T require the group or DOESN'T affect the group. It is utterly IMPOSSIBLE for the individual to exist, act and survive without the group.

Every action you take REQUIRES resources acquired and provisioned to you by the group. Simultaneously, every action you take either ADDS or TAKES away from the net / net resources of the group.

Lastly, your BIRTH / EXISTENCE is EXPLICITLY an expression of the ingroups existence and success.

You literally have no say in this whatsoever.

americandrunk 12 points ago +15 / -3

You make a good point. You can't expect every expert to talk about everything in one book, or even ever. Experts only really talk about things they know well, which is why they get paid to be experts.

The way you figure what a person is about is this technique: COMPARE WHAT THEY CANNOT TALK ABOUT vs WHAT THEY CAN TALK ABOUT.


  • he cannot talk about jews despite the fact that gulag archipelago thrust was the jew hatred of whites

  • he cannot talk about any of the other groups participating in in inter group competition, particularly muslims

  • he cannot talk about race and genetic differences between races

  • he cannot talk about in group preference

  • he cannot ever talk about the individual as part of the group, he only talks about the individual

  • he cannot talk about immigration


  • he goes out of his way to say things like, you cannot take pride in your civilization because it wasn't built by you it was built by your ancestors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyoTGmhczcY (around 2:22 mark)

  • he goes out of his way to emphasize the individual and atomize you.

  • he goes out of his way to explain that all of your success and happiness comes from individualism.

Notice the trend? Group identity bad, individualism good.

It's a slight of hand magic trick in 100 000 ponderous words or 30 years worth of lectures. Veeeeeery slow and methodical.

The presupposition driving Peterson is that WW2 was driven by in group preference and in group thinking so the solution is to keep propagandizing individualism and atomization and to keep groups of people in the west from getting together.

You will notice he doesn't go to India, China or Africa to preach this. He only does this in western countries.

Of course, individualism and group membership are two sides of the same coin. The individual exists BECAUSE of the group success, one is inseparable from the other. Individualism is important for the success of the group, success of the group is important for the success of individuals. As well, human brains are not single processing units, our brains are a set of subsystems, some very old, some very young, some highly co-related to other systems some less so. What this means is that we have parts of our brain that are dominant when we are individuals and other parts that are dominant when we are in groups ... this is why you are one person when you are alone BUT YOU ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT when you are in a group. Because you are a different person in a group, a different part of your brain with a different personality is driving you in that situation.

So, he has provided us with a great deal of insight and important information in a VERY VERY VERY NARROW WAY. Which is exacly what we want, we want precision.

But there is english on his queball. On the one hand, he cannot talk about certain things because he would literally get him self killed. On the other, the human mind is good at picking out patterns and if you ever felt there was something ooooooooddddly wrong with what he was saying, well its becaue of the list above: he is DELIBERATELY leaving out information and massaging the message.

You can use this is the technique to evaluate everyone, even here on win forums. It's a great tool.