Nope. Real as fuck . Sitting here, In the Soviet TooToo of Canuckjistan, retired with nothing but time to shit on you , your rat-like minion puppet masters and the demonic goblin elites trying to shit on all of us from the top of the pyramid. But we are fighting back. ( And wait to go find my posting time's? That's not creepin' ? How long did that take you Cpt. Statistics?) Here is what the farmers in Europe think of you and your weak gutless bosses. (And yes I couldn't sleep and no I didn't get stoned. OK I lied I did get stoned. But it didn't help me sleep !! Fuck!!! )
Cpt. Dictionaries Karened effeminate dad i presume ? Wait don't tell me? Is your name Lyle?🤣🤣🤣😅
Lyle, the Effeminate Heterosexual - Saturday Night Live
What's your point numbnutz ? Half the Country goes there for their news now. I haven't been since like 2009? Hey , why don't you tell us what Wolf and Anderson Pooper have been learning you Karened twat!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣