YrsaBlueEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I alone can't do much, other than perhaps raise my kids to be better.

One guy looking for a girl right now also can't do much, other than looking in foreign countries or in more traditional corners for women who have been raised with better values.

As a society we can do a lot, however:

  1. women are group beings, they adapt to their surrounding. If they are surrounded by lunatic lefties, they will be lunatic lefties. So first step: remove them from bad influence.

  2. offer desirable alternatives and blast that idea out like crazy: if they see every housewife being miserable, guess what- they'll not want that. If they constantly see happy moms and wives, they will want that and do what they must to get it. Girls don't put makeup because they think it's fun to sit hours to cake their faces, they put it because society says it's how you do it. So let them see what you want them to be.

  3. make the character sexy: young women look for what they got taught to look for, and they get reinforced whenever some simp agrees with it. So what they need to see is tons of examples of women who brag about their virtues and show how those were useful, and how super awesome their men are because of the men's virtues and character. And at the same time they need to see tons of negative outcomes for whoever lives like... well, like they live right now.

  4. When Peterson says "expect more of young men" he's not wrong. Achieving something gives people self esteem. But that applies to women too. We absolutely need to expect more of young women. If you had every girl publicly brag about the killer dish she made for her date, and get tons and tons of positive attention for it, that would soon become contagious.

We can't change women just on a dime, but we can seed the ideas all over the place and reinforce them. And that will change the women.

YrsaBlueEyes 15 points ago +15 / -0

Well said. I get that conservatives want to encourage men to be better, but women need to do a lot better too. The amount of shallow cash grabbing bimbos and cat lady lunatics among women is insane. You want mr beefed millionaire? Really? Do you even know how to fry an egg? Just insane.