Strangle that golden goose while you can, Hollywood MBAs.


Ever been in a situation where a bunch of girls in a scene start giving you weird looks, ignore you, whisper to each other in front of you, and freeze you out of anything important, all because you said something that made someone feel "uncomfortable"? That's what's happening to Jason Aldean and anyone who gets cancelled. A bunch of people (mostly women and Jews) who get the "ick" about someone and decide they can't hang around the little friend group they call the economy of the United States of America anymore.

Sometimes these situations are resolved when a mean girl pokes a psycho girl a little too many times and they end up brawling in the parking lot where the psycho always wins. It's possible we need a similar solution.


"I'm a half-Asian that grew up in a solid red area and I never thought about race until high school so idk what the director of Elemental is talking about" Silence

"Max Landis seems like a jerk but the accusations against him don't meet the definition of rape" This resulted in a girl getting extremely pissed off so I had to make peace for 15 minutes

"Hunter Biden is obviously laundering money through the painting hobby he started last week" Tepid agreement

"Male and female characters obviously behave differently and you can't just swap them into each other's stories" "Hahaaa I don't know, I just like this character doing her thing"

"Obviously cancel culture exist, we wouldn't be able to have any frank conversations if they were publicized to millions of people" "Yeah fair point" Silence

"If that female pastor is ordained, that's illegal according to church rules" Crossed arms staring at the ceiling

Before a few years ago, I've never had the problem of being too obviously right in political discussions. That's because I used to cling to dumb ideas myself, like the Iraq invasion, but at least I had a little wriggle room (democracy is a good thing for the Middle East! just give it time!). There are too many positions on the left today that are indefensible if you're not a psychopath. I guess I'm thankful my lib friends are still genuine friends and retain a shred of integrity.


The resident DeSantis obsessive (onetruephilosoraptor) made me think about this with his latest Trump-critical post. On one hand, Jeb Bush has been seen at DeSantis events. On the other hand, Caitlyn Jenner has been seen hanging out with Trump's kids/niece. Neither have officially endorsed any candidate but their feelings are clear.

On one hand you have a dude who, through his very public existence, helps in some way to normalize trannies. On the other hand you have a GOP, Inc dweeb who wants to bring America back under the control of the uniparty. It's a very tough choice, but I have to say Jeb is worse. People like the Bushes and Rupert Murdoch have megalomaniacal visions and still exercise significant influence over the country, whereas Caitlyn Jenner's delusion is personal and far less impactful.


Why is it common to talk about "violence against women" and policies that "affect women" and "hurt women" when men experience equal harm, or in many cases greater harm, from the same policies? For example, women getting killed in Mexico generate headlines despite far more male homicides happening in Mexico, and the same goes for Native American stats.

Briefly the reason is that it makes sense to protect women and children above adult men. Morally women are much less capable of defending themselves and (for most of history) providing for themselves. Practically it's important to protect women from hostile forces because it's harder for one woman to birth many children than one man to father many children. Needless to say, a woman is also at a much higher risk of rape (unless they live in the Congo), and rape will severely damage anyone physically and mentally, let alone pregnancy, which directly changes the makeup of the next generation. A society that lets their women get roughhoused and killed at the same rate as men will not last very long.

The reason these concepts seem outdated in the 21st century is because women have largely brought their security up to parity with men through economic, cultural, and technological means. Modern women are capable of meeting and exceeding male earnings due to the white collar economy and affirmative action policies. Advancements in public safety allow unaccompanied women to move about freely. Cars, gated housing, professional services, and guns obviate the need for physical capability. However, the human psyche has not changed, and women's inherent desire for protection is sublimated into calls for economic protection as well as physical. Since women have more economic opportunities than men already, this creates and entrenches a female supremacy.

The next question is, where to go from here? Corporately, we can either attempt to hold women to the new standard (treat them as interchangeable with men culturally and legally, remove all protections) or go the other direction and restore traditional gender roles. The second option is a complex issue that has no real solutions at this time, but the first option is impossible to implement totally because of the indelible nature of the human mind. Male soldiers have been shown to instinctively move to protect female soldiers, regardless of their training. Women will always clamor for protection and assurance. Moreover, even if women were truly forced to exist on an interchangeable level with men, they would be cut down economically and even physically, since they literally have to play by different rules just to survive. Social decay and death will follow.

The final point is that conservatives have to decide which end goal they're driving for. "Equal rights for equal lefts" is a fun way of thinking, but ultimately unworkable and an acceptance of the utopian doctrine that men and women are equal. Taking away economic protectionist measures for women (such as women in STEM programs) is a great idea and necessary, but moves to push women into men's hardships, such as making women eligible for the draft, must only be conceived as accelerationist measures intended to ultimately restore traditional roles.


So one of the surviving roommates of the four victims said in her witness statement that she saw a figure in black clothing and a ski mask walk out of the back sliding door of the house around 4am on the night of the murders. She was so scared that she then locked herself in her room and presumably slept for 8 hours before the bodies were discovered around noon. So just to run down the timeline:

  • wake up at 4am and hear noises that you think are your roommate playing with her dog upstairs
  • hear a woman's voice saying, "there's someone here," then a man's voice saying, "it's ok, I'm going to help you"
  • open your door three times to figure out what's going on
  • the third time, a figure in black clothing and a ski mask walks past you and exits the back sliding door (which opens to a balcony)
  • freeze in fear
  • lock yourself in your room
  • don't check on your roommates
  • don't call the cops
  • sleep in until noon
  • find your roommates stabbed to death
  • call the cops to report your roommates are unconscious

Obviously this is a big ??? moment, and people are questioning why she didn't call the cops or check on her roommates. So a woman named Alanna Zabel, whose roommate was also attacked in her college apartment about 30 years ago, has stepped up to explain why Dylan didn't call the cops. Zabel's account of her 1992 story is:

  • go out partying
  • come home and roommate won't unlock the door
  • get in through a bathroom window
  • there's a weird smell and heavy breathing from your roommate's room
  • go to sleep
  • discover your roommate unconscious in a pool of vomit the next morning
  • when paramedics arrive, you realize the vomit is actually blood
  • (roommate is actually still alive and in a coma)

Ok so first of all, the two situations aren't really the same. Weird smells and heavy breathing are kind of suspect, and she probably should've knocked on the door, but if you're a drunk college student those things aren't really that crazy. On the other hand, if some ski mask guy walks out of your apartment at 4am, and you're so scared you lock yourself in your room, maybe don't go back to sleep?????

Another thing is, if Zabel is telling the truth, she was a 20-year old girl and her own mind bent reality to ignore a life-threatening emergency directly in front of her. If that's not true, then this is a Herculean feminine defense effort. If it is true, then I'm not sure how I'm supposed to trust women to handle any kind of situation unless it involves their own kids.

Let's say the Idaho roommate was a dude. He would be getting absolutely dragged in the press right now. Imagine a dude hearing suspicious noises and watching a slasher villain walk past him, then holing up in his room and going to sleep. Upham behavior.

I have sympathy for the survivor because in the end, she's an innocent victim and she's going to have to live with this for the rest of her life. But if she had checked on her friends right away, who knows, some of them might have lived.


Imp replies "Stormfag" or "Stormcuck" to every single post about Jews he doesn't agree with. Why?? Even if this board was overrun with mythical Stormfront posters it's a really autistic rhetorical device. It seems to be some kind of childish indulgence where you find a truly unredeemable target that lets you go turbo self-righteousness with no qualms about friendly fire. It's not just him either, most of the people who get offended by J-posting invoke this word like they're casting a spell.

This board is already more autistic than most, but a lot of it seems concentrated in people who are dogmatically "nothing to see here."


The 1950s housewife post today reminded me that the average Marxist enthusiast is living some kind of lie, many of them more than one. They culturally appropriate:


  • No explanation necessary

WWII Allied soldiers

  • Lefties love talking about their grandparents or great-grandparents who fought on the beaches of Normandy. People like to imagine a scenario where Grandpa beats the troon out of his faggy descendant, but consider the reverse. These people would not enjoy a single second of the 1940s and indeed often talk about that time period like it was some kind of YA dystopia where women were permanent turkey production units - which they forget about instantly when it's time to own the cons.

  • edit: the most offensive part is that lefties assume that Allied soldiers were bloodthirsty for Nazis in the same way they enjoy talking about the deaths of today's "Nazis." This is a gross oversimplification, and to take satisfaction in young men dying on the front lines betrays a void in your soul. Likely they also gloat over civilian deaths in Dresden. I would say this is a consequence of being divorced from violence, except that some of them would line you up against a wall if they had the chance.


  • Many people mysteriously become lovers of America every time a Democrat steps into the Oval Office. Similarly, Obama talked a pretty good game about American exceptionality when he was an aspiring underdog. When pressed, they will be unable to define the virtues of America except in pathetically vague sloganeering and abstractions. Actually, just ask them what it means to be an American. Even a regular dummy Biden voter will likely fail to answer that question because citing the land, the people or freedom of religion are obviously no-gos, and the hustler rhetoric about "being able to do anything" is obviously empty on its own and conjures up IG influencers, their traditional immigrant parents, or Mitt Romney.


  • Someone in the other thread mentioned beards and lumbersexuality. There's also another highly prevalent type of posturing where a lefty believes that annoying or disturbing people to the point that they disengage from him makes him some kind of gladiator on the internet. Talking really fast, especially with some kind of feminine inflection, bragging about anti-masculine behavior like cuckoldry, or simply acting like a gigantic prick are all thought to accomplish the same effect. See: Destiny, Vaush. Unfortunately, the instant support from social media and the impossibility of any physical consequences make this financially profitable.

being a fully functioning person

  • the lefty scapegoating of incels and neckbeards is another behavior that is only possible because of social media because it allows the average degenerate to pretend to have their life together merely because their pictures appear to be normal and they are literate at a 12th grade reading level, which indicates to boomers and other normies that they are just like us! only harmlessly geeky or whatever. Of course the lefty leaves out the poppers and gay sex, mental illness, catfighting, annihilation of family ties, rape, loneliness, parasocial activity, disorder, snobbery, luggage theft, cliqueing, furry smut, drug addiction, and other behaviors that would make them unpalatable to the larger population of high-functioning liberals that shower them with support and donations.

There are many more examples I could write about because almost all their normal traits are a LARP. Fronting and deception are common to every culture known to man, but leftism is a delusion that is only possible because the increase of free time and leisure income in industrialized societies allowed some people to construct byzantine mental artifices to explain their relative status and personal failings. In summary, California must be pushed out to sea.


"Do you know how many pounds of pressure it takes to break a human wrist?" - Steven Seagal Johnny Depp to a fictional hipster lesbian


Anyone remember this account getting posted in KiA daily for like 3 years? The name came up as people were fantasizing about all the Twitter exiles returning.

I was just wondering if there was ever anything that indicated it was actually a Japanese mom as claimed, or a 45 year old dude.


While trying to find independent reporting on the Ukraine war, I came across a Telegram channel called Mango Press that had just been banned from Twitter. It didn't take long to see that it was an actual commie outlet hyping up China and North Korea, as well as Russia and Palestine for some reason. I think tankie is the right word, but who knows.

Their reaction to the viral videos from the Shanghai lockdown has been amusing. According to them all the government measures are totally necessary given that China has only incurred 4k deaths from covid, whereas America was ravaged by covid and is still handling Omicron poorly. Also this is the fault of Shanghai's westernized leaders who prized capitalist activity over judicious safety measures. Probably the funniest thing I read was that the elderly are diligently being cared for.

Recently they posted a video of Shanghai residents celebrating the partial lift of the lockdown. Since this apparently means China Good, it was time to get out the heart emojis.

The entire channel is fascinating, but I guess the major takeaway for me is that people who style themselves as real commies are just as stupid as the average bugman. The propaganda about China itself is par for the course, but there were American residents claiming that covid was a real threat in the US and that we sacrificed our elders for the sake of freedom. Uh yeah, sure.


Apparently the timeline of the discovery of the Bucha massacre (as reported by the NYT!) is questionable, since the mayor didn't mention anything about mass killings when the town was liberated. Also it neatly coincides with a Ukranian op to clear the area of "saboteurs and collaborators."


I gave Ukraine some benefit of the doubt about the news when it broke because the presence of dozens or hundreds of dead bodies to fake a massacre just seemed unbelievable. It seems I was at least partially wrong.

This scenario goes along with video of what's supposedly Azov (or another neo-Nazi group) accosting and killing civilians trying to leave Mariupol.




Redhead looking apathetically at the camera? Check. Always on the front page? Check. Sub-1000 views on Youtube? Check. I honestly don't know how I deceived myself into thinking the community was relevant after 2016. It's like a mass delusion, if a few hundred diehards warrant the term "mass"

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