TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +1 / -6

Remember when Vox promised to stop it? Then they got elected and did fucking nothing but agitate about "women are unsafe because of trannies".

I have a full list of these banks, I keep a record in the hope they publicly slip up so I can expose them with evidence. I've got a few for most relevant countries.

TheImpossible1 -2 points ago +3 / -5

I just wish I had some kind of publicly viewable evidence of it so I could convince others.

Another one is BNP Paribas, I actually have evidence of this one, the deal they signed with Telefonica is public.

I would make a post of banks that shouldn't be trusted, but I don't have evidence I can share and I don't have the credibility for people to take my word for it.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +5 / -8

I can't give you any more information than that. It's things I'm not allowed to share and even if I was, it would probably dox me.

All I can say is, Spanish banks, particularly BBVA and Caixabank, should be considered an enemy of the male population. Not sure about Santander, not seen anything from them. BBVA is practically an extension of the PSOE agenda.

TheImpossible1 0 points ago +6 / -6

Even after, if what the Ukrainian government is trying to pass now applies.

They want a 24 month block on men leaving to force them to take part in the rebuild so women can return.

TheImpossible1 1 point ago +7 / -6

As I've said in my other comments, this is just preying on young men who can't find work due to the PSOE's support for open discrimination against men in hiring.

I love that in the article they say they're looking for people who come with some ability. Bullshit. They don't care if the only gun you fired was in Call of Duty, you catch bullets the same way.

I predict things like this will pop up in every rabidly feminist shithole.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +5 / -6

Supporting women's sports was a leftist issue for like...20 years?

It's ironic how we are now defending it. Did I say ironic? I meant retarded.

TheImpossible1 6 points ago +16 / -10

If you're getting rejected for every job for being male, as is common in Spain, and you need to get a job because your family are kicking you out, what else can you do?

This is a really sinister plan, when you think about it.

TheImpossible1 3 points ago +11 / -8

Nah, this is much more sinister.

They set up in Spain. A country where if you're male, you're going to be openly discriminated against in every job application.

Getting rejected for everything, your family about to kick you out because you can't find work? Well, that's where these people come in.

It wouldn't surprise me if the PSOE is behind this.

TheImpossible1 2 points ago +8 / -6

Archives don't appear to be working for this.

Just me who kind of sees this as the loose end of high unemployment among young men being tied up by the feminist establishment?

I mean...they're offering this in rabidly feminist Spain, they surely are preying on the men who can't get jobs because of women's open discrimination.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

As someone with a lot of "fans", forgive me for being suspicious of shady links.

TheImpossible1 0 points ago +5 / -5

they can't get a hardon unless they have some kind of war where they see young men getting maimed or dying.

What's the female equivalent to a hardon? A wet-on?

Edit : Getting swampy

Continuing this opposition to trans joining female sports than focusing on the source of indoctrination through education, medicine and media is just one of those ways.

All of those implicate women, so instead we're playing "Hillary on war" and pretending the aggressors are the victims.

I will die on the hill of this being the truth.


TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +1 / -9


This is either a virus, an IP scraper or will give me 10,000 popups.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +1 / -6

Because Mr Disney was a stormfaggot tradcuck. The rest of your argument is ridiculous.

The last time someone tried to get rid of the finance industry, their economy collapsed and their people ended up eating zoo animals. Remember that? It's called Venezuela.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

It's not an ego, they are literally the opposition.

I would call them the enemy but Rule 16.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +1 / -7

Sure, that's why they all sit on my profile page downvoting.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +1 / -10

support TERFs or you're a tranny

The absolute state of my opposition.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +1 / -7

They were literally near bankruptcy before the Ukraine war.

It does make sense - the white women are predominantly older who have been voting Republican for decades. In the 18-30 bracket, 80%+ of women are leftists. The next political battleground is gender, it will become immediately obvious when the boomers die.

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