That they are probably government agents or are funded and trained by some organizations to sprout bullshit on the internet. Especially on twitter.
As Andrew Torba said "twitter is an insane asylum of mentally ill people arguing with other mentally ill people and bots. "
I can't stand the commies on that site. They're insane. And i can't even avoid them unlike on reddit or youtube where i can at least avoid clicking on woke videos or woke subreddits.
There's a guy in Australia who made some "history" book called the "Dark Emu’ that pushes the idea that Aboriginal Australians were not just hunter gatherers and that they had settlements , agriculture, aquaculture and food storage. His own self proclaimed motivation for writing this fake history is to "rebut the colonial myths that have worked to justify dispossession"
Just to give you an idea of how ridiculous this claim is that the Aboriginals had these type of advanced settlements. The Australian government once had to release a PSA video telling the Aboriginals not to sleep on the road or they might get run over by cars. Does this sound like the kind of people that would have had agriculture, aquaculture and food storage?
As you can expect though, this book got a lot of awards and gets promoted in libraries and schools
The woke are obsessed with Yasuke and feel like he needs to be represented in a Japanese setting.
But why?
By literally every account , Japanese people are more minorities than Black people are . And Japanese people are less represented in Western media than Black people are.
The only way it makes sense is if "minority" ACTUALLY means "people that are bad at building civilizations". This applies to every minority that the left is obsessed over like LGBT as well for example.
The left are anti civilization
Since the woke spent literally decades saying that "White people have no culture" can we flip it on them and say that "black people have no culture that's why the woke have to keep black washing European and Asian history and culture"?
Anytime they shove black people in Asian or European historical settings just say "they do this because black people have no culture"