SuspiciousHandshake 0 points ago +1 / -1

iNtErnAtiOnaL pOlicE

You guys really love buzz words.

We aren’t playing international police by looking for the terrorists who killed 4K civilians on our own soil.

SuspiciousHandshake 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot can be said about Bush. But he actually played Afghanistan pretty well. And so did Trump, of course.

The problem was Obama. We had a literal traitor in office for 8 years. If Flynn didn’t expose him shit would be 10x worse than it already is.

SuspiciousHandshake 14 points ago +16 / -2

Sorry but no.

It’s very clearly stated in the Quran that all non-Muslim governments need to be destroyed. The idea that we just made them mad by fighting Saddam Hussein is ridiculous. You can go back to the times of Thomas Jefferson’s trip to Tripoli, before the US even existed, and Muslims were just as militant and insane, and they cited the Quran for their aggressive violence against all infidels. The fact that Muslims are still violent and insane has little if anything to do with “blowback.”

Treating Osama Bin Laden as a rational actor is ridiculous. Listening to his crackpot videos and taking them seriously is absurd. He was not an honest or sane person. He created propaganda and of course tried to make Muslims seem like sympathetic victims who just want to be left alone. History tells an entirely different story.

Ron Paul is right about a lot but this argument is awful. He is right about nation building being a disaster, but that doesn’t mean we can just be isolationists. Trump has the best foreign policy: go around the world and fuck anyone up who even hints at fucking with us. Do it in a few days and leave these losers to rebuild their own countries. It’s not our job.

Trump could have successfully withdrawn from Afghanistan because his threats are taken seriously, because he follows through on them. Biden could not because everyone knows he is a spiness pussy and will do whatever China tells him to do, so the Taliban is walking all over him.