I've been thinking about using one, but I'm not sure which ones are good and which ones are compromised.


Just saw Dune yesterday.

Pros: It's honestly not nearly as woke as the race swapped characters would suggest. The cinematography is great, and I think the cast was well selected (unnecessary race swapping aside). They did a great job of designing the costumes and the spaceships too.

I haven't seen anything in the way of woke pandering and politics thrown in your face, but Zendaya doesn't really do anything in this movie so who knows about the next one.

Cons: It's a bit confusing who/what everyone/everything is if you haven't read the book.

You will have to use the bathroom after watching it.


Well, I just played the free trial of Call of Duty: Vanguard.

Never in my life did I think they could take the most frat bro of all video game titles and make it woke.

But they have.

Half the character roster is female (not just female, but YASS QUEEN) and/or "diverse"

The first character you unlock is this bitchy looking black woman. The cutscene goes to great lengths to tell you about how she's not only the female Usain Bolt, but she's also great at physics.

If she's great at physics, why the fuck is she on the front lines? She should be back in the rear developing new weapons and shit.

The other characters' biographies aren't great either. They all read like a Tumblr user's wet dream. It literally has an Indian woman (who looks like Mia Khalifa) as a playable character. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did any Indian women even serve in WWII? Not only that but she apparently fought against the British. So why the fuck is she fighting with them now?

Then they have a German Lesbian who is in love with a Polish resistance fighter. After that comes a black guy from Cameroon who hates fascism and loves international cinema of all things. The French woman who teaches botany and joins the French Resistance at least has some plausibility.

Then you have an aussie who likes sheep and bombs for some reason. The guy from Luxembourg is the bear jew but in COD. Shigenori is apparently the only Jap who wasn't perfectly OK with raping Nanking and not only turned himself in to the Allies, but actively fought for them (like that would have ever happened).The Russian woman is apparently both a nurse AND an expert sniper.

But wait, it gets better: The other black woman is half Italian, half Somali of all things. Her father was a fascist (like all fathers of Tumblr users) and she hates colonialism. The white guy from brooklyn is pretty stereotypical. Daniel however is a 2nd gen Jap immigrant who apperently was drafted OUT of the internment camps (that dear leader FDR put him in in the first place) and put IN to a unit comprised ENTIRELY of Japanese-Americans who were interned at the camps. Like that unit wouldn't have a reason to defect if they even existed IRL.

It's funny that there aren't any German or Soviet men to play as. In fact, out of the whole roster, there are TWO white men to play as. In a WORLD WAR II game, 1/6 characters are white men. Kinda strange since the overwhelming majority of casualties were white (or Japanese) men. Even in the biographies of the characters, the men aren't portrayed as leaders, but mere grunts.

The gameplay is alright. I still have the same complaint I had with Cold War where I can't see anything because all the characters blend into the background way too much. Also, if you know anything about guns, and especially about the history of guns, you will absolutely facepalm at the things they have done to this game. Hell, the fact that they have more than one assault rifle aside from the STG-44 should tell you everything you need to know about the historical accuracy of this game. Don't even get me started on holographic/reflex sights in WWII.

I really want to like this game, since they brought back maps from World At War (the best COD) and the gameplay is at least more fun than Cold War, but the sheer amount of woke bullshit is turning me off from buying it.

Edit: met a guy with the name 4d00RsM0rrHrrs in there tho, I guess that counts for something.


I had an argument with a coworker on friday over whether or not you could still get and transmit the Shanghai Shivers after having the vaccine. He is vaccinated and totally believes the "we're in the mIdDLe of a pAndEmIc" bs, that the vaccine isn't gene therapy, that it doesn't modify your dna, etc.

I knew he was wrong, but I couldn't remember sources off the top of my head, meanwhile he was looking up cdc links, etc.

Is there a list out there with sources that aren't just some random dude?

Sorry if this breaks some rule.

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