So I only just found out about this, several months ago in Lancaster UK a group of students complained about the naming of the University nightclub. It was called "Sugar House", the history of the building does actually show it was indeed a house for sugar..

Their problem with this? It's links to slavery and colonialism. Their solution? Rename it! https://thetab.com/uk/lancaster/2021/03/03/a-sign-of-growth-and-a-show-of-respect-bame-students-on-renaming-the-sugarhouse-25315

Reading down that article you would probably notice a severe lack of people who are against renaming it, big controversy y'know? So, the Students union put it up to petition.

Can anyone guess the outcome? https://thetab.com/uk/lancaster/2021/06/18/students-union-nightclub-will-remain-named-the-sugarhouse-after-winning-preferenda-28696?itm_source=parsely-api

I love to think about all those upset students seething about this decision..


So I've been loosely following the current conflict transpiring over in the east and yet I'm still confused about why every media outlet is completely shilling for Palestine.

So from my understanding the Palestinians figured out if they fire a crapload of rockets at one spot they have a higher chance of getting through the iron Dome (which looks spectacular and scary at night) and several days ago they killed a few Israelis in the process.

So why is it when some Palestinians get killed by similar circumstances, airstrike not random firing rockets there's articles everywhere about it?

If they're all ran/owned by Jews I would've thought it'd be the opposite way, them all shilling for Israel.