I wish I could but I have to assume it would go badly because people just don't like hard questions that might gore their sacred cow. So I came here in the hope that the audience is willing to consider the following and give me feedback to think about.

First off, if the choice is between Trump or the Biden regime, that is a no brainer. I'd obviously go with Trump as the Biden regime is either through stupidity or malicious intent, rapidly destroying America, full stop.

So here is focus of this thread. Trump is going to screw us, of that I am certain. I just don't know all the ways he is going to screw us. I assume the first big way he is going to screw us is by the lack of action on the COVID vaccine scam that has killed and inured countless people which Trump is clearly in denial of as per his recent interview with Megyn Kelly. Yes congress could act but unless we get several committed champions in congress that will go to war over the issue, I'm not hopeful there. In fact I think the Euro's might be a better bet on that score.

The next most obvious area he will screw us on is doing something corrective about the massive illegal alien invasion. I imagine that he will pull a Reagan 2.0 with amnesty. This is 100% unacceptable and frankly something I claim is treasonous. Anything short of rounding people up, and threatening their countries of origin unless they are taken back is not acceptable. I am not an egalitarian and I don't GAF about anyone's feelings.

So those are two big ones. I'm sure I'm missing some obvious ways and not so obvious ways Trump is going to screw us. What do you see? I just want to prepare my state of mind for when these things come to pass.


I'm curious what people think before attempting to post on material that I know is important but it is also complex, big and not going to be easily digestible. Especially not by those who are polarized already and think that they have their finger on the target.

And I include myself in the polarization camp. The only difference is that over the decades I have been fortunate enough to pull back for a second look when I suspect a reexamination is due.

It is like the old onion argument. You get through some layers, think you are at the core only to later figure out that well shit, bunch of more layers to go.


She unsettles me a little bit, the reason is two fold.

One is that she is extremely good at slinging red meat. I learned long ago to be very cautious when someone is slinging red meat to their audience. Yes I want to hear what she is saying, I agree with much if not all of it. However prior experiences have taught me to be very leery when getting served copious amounts of red meat.

The second reason is that she is so smooth and polished. Granted that she spent decades doing media presentations but still, she is very measured and poised in her presentations.

So, how do you feel about her? Do you think I'm missing things? Maybe you have similar reservations?

And just so it is abundantly clear, I want her to win and do what she says she wants to do. In fact I hope she becomes an example of what can be done when right leaning people finally decide to go on the offensive.


I rather doubt it but I was wondering what other people thought of this question. I doubt it because of how well they have done for the last several hundred years but I also think that that could be because of normalcy bias on my part. And just so we are clear, in my view there is no fate too horrible for those people.

If they have been able to hide their true wealth I'm not sure how they could hide it all, maybe decent portions of it but I don't know how they could hide significant portions. If anything they would probably have found a way to hide it in plain sight.

Thoughts please.