PoliticalDichotomy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait so it's expensive to ship stuff with a truck on the same continent but not by truck in one continent then overseas to another continent then truck again to the destination. It could be cheap to do anything in Canada but it's not because of the government. The regulations in Canada are absurd. I used to know a close to executive at one of the largest companies in the world (American company) who was head of the Canadian division for the company. The company was in the process of strategically pulling out of Canada. They went from attempting growth to basically just a satellite maintain what they already had with 0 care for Canada. I asked him why. He explained it was because the cost of doing business in Canada due to meeting government regulations was just too high at every level of the business whether it be payroll, insurance, legal, compliance, etc... The rules were astronomical and just cost too much. He said that Canada is such a small player in the world in terms of commerce, especially since they only have 30m (40m now) people but the Canadian government acts as if they are on par with a country like the USA and demands companies follow all their stringent rules as if they have any leverage to demand this from companies but they really don't because these large companies have the rest of the world to compete for and Canada is small beans so it's not worth the effort given the costs the government puts on businesses.

For a large global company, that makes sense. Forget Canada. Canadian companies can't just forgo Canada so they're forced to playball with the government and these absurd rules and regulations make everything cost so much more.

PoliticalDichotomy 14 points ago +18 / -4

He was here 9 hours ago to remove a post and get into a debate about mah evil Natzis


I love how DOM literally replies to the post then removes the post. Nice. He gets the last word in then stops any potential further discussion when he himself was compelled to continue the discussion. Talk about a huge power trip.

PoliticalDichotomy 11 points ago +11 / -0

You can always check unscored to see what was deleted and/or is shadow banned. A lot of topics have good comments that are deleted. Funny enough, it often just comes down to the wording. In a recent UK topic, there's a post that got banned but people in the topic were saying the same thing except they referred to muslims as Ahmeds instead of something skins etc... Very arbitrary stuff.


PoliticalDichotomy 9 points ago +9 / -0

Man, women and men differences is probably the most mainstream of topics where you'll get much more bite. Even my 60yo father who is a self described socialist is starting to say things to me like "I think you're right, women in the workforce hasn't been good". My uncle just told me a month ago that the reason there's a doctor shortage in many western countries is because they keep training female doctors and the women then only work 1-3 days a week if they even work at all. The entire doctor shortage would be prevented if they only trained men. These are huge leaps and bounds ahead of what you could say 10 years ago. Reality in this regard can't be ignored.

Part of the problem could be age group. I find if you talk to young adults, most especially around college age, that they are knee deep in equality propaganda and are desperate for women they still think bluepill simping is the way to go. Just give them a little more experience and they're right back at as truthful as you want to be. I routinely say things like "women have no inherent moral concious, only men do and men must control women in order to create a moral society" and while I get people disagreeing with me, I rarely get people getting too upset over it, besides women of course but hopefully you don't discuss anything with women. It's like talking to your cat on how to improve your living situation.

PoliticalDichotomy 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh, you can use your brackets and tell people to check the early life. That's fine. Post anything more than that such as evidence for genetic differences that lead toward predispositions toward certain behaviors in order to start building a scientific and believable case why the brackets matter and you'll start to rattle some feathers. See, from the perspective of those who don't know, when they see people pointing out Jews for the sake of Jews, it actually only helps to fuel the sentiment that anti-Semites are irrational bigots. Post something concrete as to why their views might actually be right and that becomes a problem. If you have any direct questions, feel free to DM me. It does exist on this forum.

PoliticalDichotomy 12 points ago +12 / -0

There's lots of people who realize the problems though. I know a number irl. All of them though are busy lying. It's like living in North Korea. You can't be successful in career or women if you don't tout the party line so they do. If you encounter these people in your day-to-day, they aren't going to drop you "hints" that they're smarter than they are because doing so only reveals their lack of intelligence. They're going to keep the act on 24/7 and it's going to be impenetrable. You're going to come away thinking they've drank the Koolaid but they really haven't. Everyone I work with for example thinks I took the COVID vaccine but I didn't. Why would I ever admit the truth to anyone and risk my job?

When I tell people how I truly feel about things, it only leads to bad results. This is my 40th account or so on the .win/scored/tdw community because I can't even tell people here how I truly feel about things before it upsets an admin/mod. You think I can get away telling people irl?

You've touched on all the main points, so I know you know but for fun try elaborating what you mean by ethnic groups over represented and you'll get banned from this community. A lot more people know then you realize but most lie and keep the act going. They say what they're supposed to say and try really really hard to never reveal the fact they have a different opinion than what is acceptable by the mainstream.