KEYBOARDSSD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good exchange. I learned a lot.

Clio's Battles "Overview": https://ibb.co/tm3KwPs

KEYBOARDSSD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm aware, as noted it's pure fiction.

It's not. Unless you think all if history is "pure fiction." I'm referring to Will Durant's "The Story of Civilization" (specifically vol. VII, and vol IX), HG Wells' "The Outline of History", John Hirst's "Shortest History of Europe", William H. McNeill's, "The Rise of the West: t: A History of the Human Community", and "Clio's Battles: Historiographyin Practice", by Jeremy Black.

("Clio's Battles" about how history is used to redesign reality and/or shore up support for various current day political causes, you might like, assuming you haven't already read it.)

This along with picking things up here and there from various wikis and articles. :-)

Refer to previous posts.

I already did. You prove nothing and just label things and say it's bad or associated with things you, apparently, dislike without offering evidence for why anyone else should dislike the first thing.

You claim equality is inhuman, violent and on and on, "a meme" (because you apparently don't know the definition of that word either), etc, without offering proof.

You just call names.

Then type, "lmao" like you've actually made a good point or really any point at all.

Certainly, it serves the ruling class to manipulate society into embracing exploitative politics, but it amounts to a larp in reality.

ruling class



You're putting too much cream on your taco. A bit redundant dont you think? If they're the ruling class... manipulating and...using politics... then of course its "exploitative". That word isn't needed to make what passes for a point with you.

The sentence both obvious and completely unrelated to actual equality. Because...

As I already said:

People claim to be all sorts of things they aren't in order to justify their greed. That's not news to me.

It's also not reason to abandon my principles, even if they are claiming to represent my principles when they don't.

No matter how much you attempt to distance radical liberalism from liberalism, or "humanist liberalism,"

You still don't even know the definition if the word, "liberalism" even though I called this out three posts ago and the answer is a few swift keystrokes away.

You're using term you dont understand and cannot define.

So you differentiate "liberalism" into two new things, neither of which matches the definition of the word.

Stop posting.

Pick up a basic political encyclopedia and start reading.

call it what you will,

I'm calling liberalism what liberalism is generally acknowledged to be defined as. This is how words and language work.

will you succeed

I've never stated a goal. You're assuming and strawmanning some spook that doesn't exist. Or someone that you talked to before me. Or maybe imagined in a fever dream of tangled, sweaty sheets.

because your own beliefs in reality demonstrate they are barely different from most of theirs,

Total jibberish and and a juvenile political worldview of "you're all the same (strawman) that I'm easily defeating because (straw)"

they just take them further.

Goofy. Now I'm not just "one of THEM" ...I'm worse than THEM.

"Individualism," which underlies both, is no different than "gender spectrum" or other fictional identities built on liberal ideals.

Simple minds simplify the world. You, sir, are simple-minded.

"Identities" insofar that they are a poor, commodified replacement for a real thing,

Which is what?

generated through social engineering -

Again, what the fuck are you even taking about? Give examples otherwise you're spouting a string of catchphrases.

hence liberalism itself being a form of identity politics.

So now you've established that toy don't know the definition of oh let's see...

  • liberalism

  • identity politics

  • equality

I'm sure there will be more.

It's "diversity" without diversity,

Didn't have to wait long there did I?

because diversity is heretical to both; it's an -ism, a phobia, an inequality; what both in reality aspire for is society of sexless, raceless, etc, clones, because that's the only way "human individuals" can exist. They want to separate all that makes people in the first place, and create an even more dystopian society built on their values and ideals. And you see that and go "It's not real [insert ideology]:"

Total nonsense.

Aka, utopianism/"simulation" of liberalism, serving to justify reality of it.

Word salad. Pick up a political encyclopedia.

It's trite; it's boring.

All you do is call things derogatory names. Somehow you think this constitutes an actual argument.

Or to cite Aimee Terese, "The ambiguity is the point."

Nothing I says is a ambiguous. Pure projection.

You yourself are rehashing rad lib greatest hits re: CRT/Feminism/etc;

I'm not.

it's not that your ideology is wrong,

Well thanks, I guess.

it's that people criticizing it don't really understand what it's about,

Lol, you don't say?

and the ones who've applied it in society aren't really people who believe in it to begin with, but are merely using it. Lmao.

Nothing you're saying makes sense. Then you make my point for me. But I said that three posts up, old son. So... what are you in about?

You don't think equality is good.

Get back to why... not just explaining redundantly that people lie and use the term to mask anti-White ideology and replacement.


KEYBOARDSSD 2 points ago +2 / -0


Buy yeah, (you keep saying things now prove them).

I guess it's only fair to offer my own proof. I often assume its self-evident for anyone involved or interested in geopolitics and history but... if you truly believe what you're saying (that equality is abhorrent) then apparently it's passed you by. Or I may just be wrong. So...

My proof is that

  • life expectancy,

  • wealth (both personal and society at large, now that there are less bread riots and revolutions to quell),

  • literacy and

  • amount of opportunities in life (to move, to better oneself, to escape abusive/disfunctional families, disengage from conformist/exploitative tribal alliances...think House Frey, to use one popular and I think apposite example... [1]

...have all, on average, increased for people blessed enough to live in post-Enlightenment Western nations.

  • Childhood death,

  • Enslavement,

  • Rape of sisters, mothers and daughters

(God knows what people sorry nowadays, I may have to defend the idea that rathore is abhorrent next!)

  • Violence

...have declined in those Western, civilized countries.

In fact you might say that equality is the bedrock of civilization itself. I dunno. Never thought of that before.


This came at the expense of a larger class of elites. Of dedicated thinkers [2](ex. Newton) relaxing atop a pyramid of brutally overworked, hereditarily condemned, underclass slaves. But we still have enough at the top that enjoy their parental and hereditary wealth to sit back... enjoying a free and nearly unlimited creative pallet of opportunities to stream, experiment, fearlessly fail time and tune again knowing they'll be whisked off back home to recover and try once more, like modern day trustafarian gutter punks, like "George Orwell " (Eric Blair) etc.

Basically that a worldwide pyramid of slavery allows the people at the very top free time to discover more improvements. And that group was larger, in Europe, back then.

But we still have quite a large group in America currently. So... no fear there, lad! Your (neo) feudalism is safe... "for the nonce." (I really enjoyed SoIaF as read by Roy Dotrice, does it show?)

[1] Game of Thrones, if nothing else, presented the most realistic (even if all but one main character was nobility / 'high borne', most other renderings were even more rose-tinted), mass consumed (worldwide audience with people in India, Russia, Mexico and yes even the US still downloading the entire series, presumably some of whomever are watching it for the first time.And all this years after it concluded!) view into what life was like pre-Enlightenment.

It was a very successful memetic and, not by accident, coincided with the popularization of Neoreaction, which up to that point existed wholly in the shadows, say 0.2% not 2. Of course, like those espousing a Fascist or Communist form of government, those idealizing Feudalism 'oft as not' imagine themselves taking part in some exciting quest or, less likely still, "runnin shit" as an inner circle tyrant and not the more likely scenario where they're simply born into the wrong family a d doomed to a life of abject misery. Grinding away their entire lives from the time they can walk to the time they drop dead at the plow, working some nullifying, deadening, monotonous job year after year, surrounded by people who've never left the hamlet and can't read or multiply abstract numbers. Nevermind paint, compose poetry, lay about thinking of odd, edgy political possibilities to support, etc.

[2] "Refusal of work"

'The Right to be Lazy' is an essay by Cuban-born French revolutionary Marxist, Paul Lafargue. It was written from his London exile in 1880.
"When, in our civilized Europe, we would find a trace of the native beauty of man, we must go seek it in the nations where economic prejudices have not yet uprooted the hatred of work ... The Greeks in their era of greatness had only contempt for work: their slaves alone were permitted to labor: the free man knew only exercises for the body and mind ... The philosophers of antiquity taught contempt for work, that degradation of the free man, the poets sang of idleness, that gift from the Gods." And so he says "Proletarians, brutalized by the dogma of work, listen to the voice of these philosophers, which has been concealed from you with jealous care: A citizen who gives his labor for money degrades himself to the rank of slaves." (The last sentence paraphrasing Cicero.)

KEYBOARDSSD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aspiring for equality is immoral and inherently harmful.

"Are you going to continue to make a series of declarative statements or are you going to fuckin' tell me something?" Sorry, couldn't resist.

The Guard script:




But yeah, now prove it.

should've tried harder

You should try less hard. We're online. Nothing you or I say here really matters. Not to me at least. You'll hardly change your mind and at this point people who believe like you make up about 2% of the population so who reading this matters enough to put forth the effort? Really, I'm just passing the time waiting for other things more important to happen in real life.

Fuck a "demographically multicultural society." Powerful and compelling argument.

Millions of middle easterns, south americans, and people across the globe who've enjoyed humanist liberalism pray you fail

I don't think you really know what humanist or liberalism mean. If you did you'd understand that humanist liberals no longer think of themselves as "middle eastern" or "south american" but as individuals untethered to ethnic or national identities.

Also, you're confusing ideology serving to mystify reality vs reality itself. They hold up concepts into which you've bought and you end up supporting them, but in reality "humanist liberalism" - beyond being an inherently violent, anti-human ideology - serves to justify globalist exploitation, invasions, ravaging of countries, orgies of death, abortion, mass migration (itself leading to countless inter-ethnic crimes directly produced by both), etc.

People claim to be all sorts of things they are not to mask their greed. This isn't news to me.

You have to wait 1-2 mins before editing and it'll stick.

Finally some useful and novel information. Thank you, kind sir.

KEYBOARDSSD 2 points ago +3 / -1

I disagree. We're don't make society better by becoming like them in this regard. The focus should be on bettering society not fucking up "the censors."

Sooner we can stop doing this stupid, to me, "left" vs "right" ideology and move on to ...hell, at least more accurate terms that define what we're really believed... the more true progress society will make.

For instance, both "sides" want progress so the term progressive is a misnomer. Esso when they're taking us back into ethnic identity based tribalism.

I could do a while bit on this. How technically "right-wing" means hereditary rule, hierarchy, conformity, etc and very few people who get labeled that ate even ate off its meaning and less that agree with it. How the...boy, almost said "left" its insidious isn't it? How the...well, in this case it might make sense, the "left", as in the more humanist liberals from 50-100 years ago pushed the terms, like they do with most (as they realized that language can be a weapon and labeling your "Alt-Right" opponents as all Nazis and the rest of the 70% of that movement "Alt-Lite" of course turns your opponent, who just win an election, into something that few want to be associated with, etc etc.

But point being: we don't have to encourage censorship, just discourage hypocrisy and only one group being able to express themselves.

Basically, maybe you're right but if both parties are silenced, who does that leave in power? Just the neoliberal Uniparty. And thus the "both sides at once" meme...that I pushed hard leading up to Jan 6th... that went precisely nowhere. Lol

KEYBOARDSSD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, I didn't downvote you. Here, have an up... for what it's worth (nothing, in the bigger scheme of things).

KEYBOARDSSD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Adding this edit here because edits on win never seem to show up.

and "equality of opportunity/outcomes" as a distinct thing is a meme,

It isn't. Edit: actually you are technically right it is a meme. An idea that acts as a gene and has, thankfully, spread and replicated.

KEYBOARDSSD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aspiring for equality is meaningless,

Its not.

and it's precisely that sort of thinking that brought us here to begin with.

It isn't (see end if this post).

A society that doesn't value equality in the first place wouldn't embrace other notions of it,

I don't know what you're taking about here.

and "equality of opportunity/outcomes" as a distinct thing is a meme,

It isn't.

it exists only conceptually not among humans who believe in it.

Concepts are important. Abstract thought is what sets humans apart from lower animals. See Piaget's theory of mental development.

When people achieve something they don't think, "Well, that's great, I'm so happy to have achieved this, I'll stop here, thanks," they think, "That's great, but what can I do more?"

Yes, that's true no matter what (equality minded or not)? Tolerance. Tolerance of both pain and pleasure. No matter the situation, people become used to it soon enough. But usually are recklessly wanting more, more, more.


Everybody, etc, seethe.


Half the people support abortion. Historically, countless people - especially withi...etc

A jokey quip you apparently took seriously.

We're not living in the product of this one belief of mine we're living in a return to ethnic tribal identity which is particularly disastrous in a demographically multicultural society.

We were based on humanist liberalism.

Which I still champion a return to.

But no longer. That changed after Occupy Wall Street threatened those elites and so we got progressive stack and ID politics.

KEYBOARDSSD 9 points ago +9 / -0

What you're saying is very edgy and NRx an all but equality of opportunities is an okay goal all the same. Even if its impossible to 100% achieve.
The result of what you suggest is ..frankly shitty and inhuman.

Thank God civilized people in the West decided against it 200 years ago.

And we should be trying to give everyone a fair shake. A baseline from which every kid starts off equal. White kids, for example, born to poor, shitty parents shouldn't be doomed to Deaths of Despair forever, going down generations, on and on into infinity e.t.c e.t.c.

Hell, even if they fuck their entire lives up and are 50 years old we should be helping fellow citizens get their shit together and succeed.

It benefits us all.

Everyone sees this already. Lol. Seethe.

Equality of outcomes is ridiculous.

KEYBOARDSSD 16 points ago +16 / -0



