Right. So. I watch alot of odd things on youtube, so my suggestions tend to be, shall we say, eclectic.

I'm not going to name names, but one of them is basically a guy doing land development over in Texas - old style land development, attempting to turn the local desert back into a natural 'forest' due to overgrazing - whatever, I think it's interesting.

However, as I discovered today, he's not only in Texas, but near the Texas/Mexico border. So, naturally, he gets a bunch of illegal immigrants coming through.

And he did a video on it. Of fucking course.

Naturally, the first twenty seconds or so basically made my stomach curdle ('I'm not going to call the cops, I promise' he says, despite dealing with fucking illegal immigrants), so downvote and move on.

The comments, though. So many fucking comments that were virtue-signaling gushing about how good a person he was and how so sad thier plight was - only one or two pointed out that, hey, y'know, some of the shit he's doing might be dangerous...

Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. Let's ignore the potential sex slavery, the human trafficking - whatever, don't care.

I would, however, like to point out one thing that seems to escape normies.

Illegal immigrants are fucking retarded. Seriously. They have made stupid decision after stupid decision with a high chance of death explicitly so they can sit and suck off the fat teat of a stupid nation that seems riddled with traitors and utterly incapable of exercising control over with sovereign territory. Illegals have decided that rather than band together and make wherever they live an actual functioning civilization, they're going to risk dying to abuse a nation that refuses to do with them what needs to be done.

People have infantilized illegals to a horrendous degree. They are not functioning human beings able to make decisions and live or die due to the consequences of those decisions - they're pets. If some retarded fuck went hiking through, say, Texas or Arizona, completely ill-prepared to deal with an environment that can and will kill you, it's perfectly sensible to have the response of 'Wow, that's one stupid fuck. Pity Darwin missed.'

(I don't live in Texas or Arizona, but I've heard some stories, and I'd put down good money that attitude isn't rare. Or maybe I'm just huffing copium, I dunno.)

These people should not be celebrated. They should not be applauded. And people helping them, imho, are fucking traitors helping accelerate the rot, and if this guys ends up dead because of all of this, I am going to fucking laugh.

Okay. Rant over. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.