Post #24 of Part 7 of the Twitter Leaks is actually very valuable to understanding something about the Psychological Operations and Information Operations being wielded against the American people, because it also happens to show the particularly weaponization of Yoel Roth
In the video he gives this quote:
It set off every single one of my finely tuned APT28 hack-and-leap campaign alarm bells.
Yoel Roth, as we have seen, is a rabid partisan Leftist TDS sufferer (TDS in and of itself is a industrial scale emotional abuse directed at the general public by the Social Justice Racket). But if we hyper-focus on just what he tried to do at Twitter, we've seen several instances of Yoel specifically letting some Trump posts and Conservative posts slide because he knew that they didn't actually violate Twitter's TOS. His bias was severe, but he did seem to try and take (what he thought) was an even handed approach.
From his perspective, he was trying to follow procedure to the letter. In reality, his Progressive Weltanschauung (ideological, meta-narrative, world-view, of how the world normally has/does/should operate) structured his perception of reality but Twitter's TOS as a procedure had to follow within that. This means that he, of course, made good faith assumptions when fellow Leftists made threats or jokes that were actionable; and made bad faith assumptions when non-Leftists did the same. BUT, when he was pushed to review Trump's tweet's carefully, or even Republican politicians and activists carefully, he recognized the folly of some of the reports he got. In this batch of leaks, he mentioned that a black-specific version of #WalkAway that WaPo reported on was completely genuine. In another, he noted that factual evidence corroborated a Trump Tweet about ballot problems in Ohio.
So, let's go back to the quote. How exactly did he develop a "finely tuned" intuition on Russian military intelligence operations?
The FBI fed it to him.
Having already seized Hunter's hard-drive back in 2019, the FBI's internal subversive: John Baker, would have already had an amicable working relationship with him. Knowing how to manipulate the media, they engaged in what I would call a "Drip Campaign" against Useful Idiots within Twitter who were subservient to the Progressive Weltanschauung. The FBI had already built part of the Progressive Weltanschauung by inventing the "2016 Russian Collusion" hoax already. Even though it's been well established that the most effective Russian intelligence efforts in 2016 were the use of BLM and Bernie accounts to sew discord, an entire narrative of "Russia created the Wikileaks scandal by hacking the DNC" was already accepted as fact within the Weltanschauung. The FBI knew this was false because they had been spoon-fed the allegation from the Clinton Campaign, and basically disproved the damn thing.
On a side note: Michael Sussman, representing the Clinton Campaign, would later go on to inform John Baker himself that the Steele Dossier was totally legit after having procured it from the Jeb Bush campaign, justifying the FBI's initial surveillance of Donald Trump. That Dossier was proven false by the FBI's own forensic's lab, so they falsified the FISA warrant to illegal monitor Trump and his campaign, with the monitoring of Obama's cabinet, and Joe Biden. Just so we're all clear on how many crimes the FBI and John Baker are committing at any given time.
Going back to Yoel Roth. He's already ideologically captured. He already has John Baker acting as a "Wormtounge" in his ear. Then he starts meeting with the FBI on a regular basis who keep harping on the dangers likely Russian disinfo week after week after week. The narrative never stops and the propaganda simply becomes accepted as truth even though these leaks show Twitter can't find any Russian disinfo anyway. The whole year, Roth had been told about how the Russians hacked the DNC, what Russian military intelligence operations looked like, how ever present the threat was, and how vigilant he needed to be.
Then the NY Post's story came out.
The power of the the subversion "rings true" in his statement on post #28:
The key factor in informing our approach is consensus from experts in monitoring election security and disinformation that this looks a lot like a hack-and-leak that learned from the 2016 Wikileaks approach and our policy changes. The suggestion from experts - which rings true - is there was a hack that happened separately, and they loaded the hacked materials on the laptop that magically appeared at a repair shop in Delaware (and was coincidentally reviewed in a very invasive way by someone who coincidentally then handed the materials to Rudy Giuliani)
When you combine the FBI's subversion with how the media cultivated a narrative within the Progressive Weltanschauung, you see how he was controlled:
- The "experts" are the FBI agents that subverted him and gave him a Drip Campaign over the course of a year.
- He didn't know the 2016 Wikileaks event was not a Russian Information Operation because of his acceptance of the Progressive Weltanschauung, and because James Baker and the FBI played into it.
- The FBI fabricated the idea that Hunter's hard-drive was hacked and deposited onto the hard drive, despite having the hard drive themselves. This lie was then spoon-fed to both the media and Yoel.
- Yoel was never told about how the laptop arrived at the repair shop, despite the shop owner stating he had taken it from Hunter, and despite the invoice with Hunter's signature on it. The FBI and the media never told him that it existed, so he called it "magic".
- Yoel had this weird idea about "invasive review" despite that not effecting anything regarding the data. It is very likely that someone from the FBI or CISA lied to him about how data can be verified, as someone also told him that "the metadata was gone from the emails", which was another lie.
- Yoel assumed there was some 'coincidence' regarding the laptop being handed to Rudy Giuliani, despite the fact that the shopkeeper explicitly stated he handed it to Rudy after he gave it to the FBI the previous year and never heard anything back, despite witnessing criminal activity on the laptop. Yoel appears to not been aware of any of that either.
What we see here is a kind of psychological priming that the FBI did to get Yoel to behave in the way he did, and create a narrative in his head about what happened. They fed into his world view. They build the meta-narrative in the media. They "educated" him on what to look for for disinformation. They "educated" him on what were indicators. They fed him their "knowledge and expertise" on technical issues. Yoel was so invested into the FBI's narrative for over a year, he eventually worked to manufacture it without realizing it.
Yoel also had no outside input. He didn't review Fox News, he didn't review the New York Post, he most certainly didn't watch this clip of the Louder With Crowder show at 5:16. The only source of all of his information was FBI subversion personally, or FBI subversion through the media.
To be completely frank: this how the FBI manufactures terrorists. The wormtounging people with infiltrators, creating slanted "expert" information, and drip-feeding propaganda that feeds into a pre-existing meta-narrative. All to follow a carefully scripted series of events that leads to their final attack. They did the same shit with the Governor Whitmer """Assassination""", they did the same thing on January 6th, this shit is not new.
You all should memorize these strategies so that when you see them again out in the wild, you'll be able to call it out, and definitely not fall for it, and keep your friends and family away from it as well.
Because you always research who you vote for.
Here's the synopsis for a local Democrat for mostly irrelevant local position (think of it like, local village official dog-walker or some shit):
Former US military (infantry officer), no obvious Leftist endorsements, many years spent as a Judo athlete, private practice attorney, no significant political experience, adequate physiognomy, official Democrat Party information page made no appeals to Culture War topics, or even really any significant political topics at all. (I live in a pretty red area)
Here's the quote for the local Republican for the same position:
Promoted diversity training for [government strata] employees
He's a multi-year incumbent. Has been either an attorney or a politician for the past 30 years. Poor physiognomy.
Just because there is an R in their name doesn't mean they aren't supporting DIE in the government.
Just so we're clear: I've been waiting for the next recession for over a decade. I'm the one who talked about shorting stocks of the Fabian Socialist capital, back on the original KiA.
I said it before, but now I must insist: BE THE PINECONE
The mortgage industry is facing complete collapse. This is a result of most of the industry trying to focus on refinancing, rather than purchases. Now due to inflation, builders can't build homes. Prices are going up, and now interest rates are being cut. What that means is that people are going to start struggling to even pay their mortgages. What that means is that the Mortgage Backed Securities are going to start becoming unprofitable. What that means is that everything that depends on those MBS to be profitable is going to fail. And what depends on those MBS's? Everything. Government bonds, pensions, treasuries, sovereign debt, retirement funds... everything.
There is a world wide cost of living crisis due to inflationary policy. The Fed is making signals that it's going to try and fight inflation, by basically tanking the entire stock market. Frankly, if they were to do this, it wouldn't even be wrong. They no longer have much of a choice because they put it off too long. More likely, they won't until it's too late and the whole world economy really does fall off a cliff and they won't be able to stop it. Worse, the government backers of these mortgages are basically saying they won't be backing most mortgages anymore. Without that, no bank is willing to risk making a 30 year, hundred thousand dollar loan, to Joe Blow from Kokomo, who has a credit rating of 580. The mortgage industry is dead. That means the foundation of the entire debt system goes with it. That's what retirements, pensions, and sovereign debt rely on. If you keep all the lumberjacks home for a year, you will get a wood shortage the next year, and a furniture shortage after that. The mortgage industry works the same way; and the mortgage industry is financing everyone's stock market.
How dead is it? Go onto a search engine of your choice, and search "mortgage layoffs". Every major mortgage company has been laying off people like mad for a couple months now. 10%, 20%, 30% of all staff. This is because there's not enough homes, not enough borrowers, not enough people who can pay the loans, and now very soon everyone's interest payments are going to jump. Foreclosures will start to increase, and then there's nothing that can stop the inevitable. The Perennial Gale of Creative Destruction will not be denied. A market of lies must correct to reality.
This isn't like the Great Recession, because the truth is that in the Great Recession, a lot of people were too stupid to see the truth. I don't think anyone who matters is missing the signals now. Everyone's reacting aggressively to try and get to a seat before the music stops, and they all know it's coming. Nobody just wants to say it out loud because it's scary, and people are already scared, and the market would react even worse to fear.
But you know why I've been waiting for this for a decade? Because good, nice, clean people with middle class incomes lost fucking everything and asked under-class me if they could live in my garage. People with kids. Whole neighborhoods were abandoned. People lost futures. People lost hope.
I don't want that to happen to you.
Any of you. Even the retards among us. It's terrible and I want you to be okay.
So, here's what we do.
- Prep for hard times
- Save your money
- Grow through the collapse
Prep for hard times: get you're supply of food. Get your supply of heating items. Just get it now and put in storage however you can. Make arrangements for the winter, however you need to. I'm not saying it will turn into mad max, and it won't. But I am saying that 1 month of emergency rations will certainly help. It's going to be hard times for everyone, but you're NOT going to be the person caught with nothing.
Save your money: slow your spending on frivolous shit unless that shit can be sold as a useful asset later. Start pulling cash out of the bank now so you have it on the side, just in case someone gets the idea to restrict withdraw limits from your bank accounts. Gold, Silver, Crypto, I don't really care which one you do or don't like, you might as well have some of each. I rely on you to make the best decision for you on that front.
Grow through the collapse: this is a hard lesson. During collapse is the time where the most real growth will take place. Not through good times. The elites know this, and they are positioning themselves to be the beneficiaries of the largest transfer of wealth in human history. Hunkering down is good for a bit, but you are going to need to seize opportunities and take risks during the collapse. You actually get rewarded the most at that time. If you have a skill, get paid for it, and prove you're indispensable. If you see an opportunity that's not being taken advantage of, seize on it. This is actually the time you need to streamline, become more efficient, and be more aggressive. If it's not making you money, influence, or career advancement, why are you doing it? Advance your career by as you need to, and take responsibility from others who aren't pulling their weight, or seem lost. Don't wait for them to self-correct. Become the pillar of your own little communities that people can trust and go to for advice.
This is the essence of being the pinecone.
The Great Collapse will burn away all the brush, and if we have prepared ourselves properly, we will open up from the heat of the fire, root in the ash, and we will rise again
Fuck the Black Pills. Everyone's called me crazy already. Maybe I'm deluded. Maybe I'm a lunatic. Hell, let's assume I am.
But I believe in you, and you should to.
When we look back on our own histories, I don't want you to remember that you were the victim in this story. I want you to look back and see yourself as the hero.
When all this is over, I want you to remember what you accomplished when everyone, and everything, collapsed. I want you to remember that reading this post made you start thinking about how you would be the pillar of your friends and family, and we bore our crosses, and re-built our civilization on our backs.
Be the pinecone.
(My old flair is more prescient with each passing day)
So, I defeated a DIE initiative at work through, and I think it's easy enough to replicate.
Here's the list of objectives:
- Build managerial rapport
- Educate to create a foundation for objection
- Enact broken windows policing
- Multi-directional Memetic attacks on Leftism
- Convert your enemy
I'm not saying that this will work in all of your situations, but I think that this is an excellent ground game. It's taken me about 6 months of subtle and off-and-on maneuvers, but the more subtle the efforts the more resilience to subversion you are building up.
Step 1: Build managerial rapport
I have a comfortable relationship with my supervisor. He knows I support him well as a subordinate, and he can trust me with problems. He trusts me and my decision making. That's the start. I didn't hide my red-pilling, but I kept my power level low. I've openly said I don't tell people to go to college, and I don't want to engage in the debt-based monetary system. I'm not ranting about politics at work. I'm a partisan, but I'm not a zealot. Moreover, I'm a partisan who announces his own bias when he has one. I explicitly told my manager, "you'll hear from me well ahead of time if I have serious objections. I'll literally tell you about Red Flags." I told him one of my Red Flags was racism.
Step 2: Educate a foundation for objection
That was well over a year ago. I told him, maybe 6 months ago, during monthly counseling that I had to fly a red flag because I heard some rhetoric that could become a problem. Basically a new sub-manager made a comment about the need for diversity and inclusion. HR explicitly said they wanted us to register our race in our payroll system. The HR department literally pushed communist memes (you know the one with the baseball field, but this one was equality-equity-abolition). I work with middle-class normies. They have no idea how serious the threat is, but you can't just start screaming about Cultural Marxism. I mentioned only that I was nervous about racial registration. Make up good buzzwords, you know they do. About 3 months ago, the sub-manager brought up the importance of the race of the new hires. Everyone else responded with the normal "It doesn't matter what color they are as long as they do the work." I brought it up to the manager to say the same, but to also introduce a short and unbiased history lesson about the differences between the Malcolm X and MLK branches of the Civil Rights Movement. The sub-manager was not saying "default liberal" rhetoric, so I explained where that rhetoric would have originated historically. I focused on making my objection not political: "It's not my place to deal with people's ideas. I'd just like you to keep your eye on it because it could hurt the cohesion of the team".
Step 3: Enact broken windows policing
If you don't confront minor shit when it happens, you won't be able to confront the major shit when it falls on your neck. Take subtle opportunities, not to inject politics, but to explain your philosophy or position. When the sub-manager says, "we need to focus on diversity", you say "I don't care as long as they can do the work." If they say "we should do pronouns in the bio", you say "I don't mind if they guess when they call me." If they say, "We should have a Universal Basic Income", you say, "I'd rather have a job to sell my work experience." Don't argue, just state your case, and let them take the bait. Offer up the chance for them to attack you like a lunatic over a personal opinion that is utterly unoffensive. Remember, don't do this at the last minute. You should be doing this whenever the topic of conversation comes up. Just like you might offer up your favorite food in small talk. If the small talk becomes political, make your private political position identifiable. And remember, don't let it go further than small talk unless it's someone on our side who wants to dive in. Just keep it small talk and that will be enough to prevent Leftist subversives from claiming they have hegemony.
Step 4: Multi-directional Memetic attacks on Leftism
"Everyone is diverse." I heard my department head use that phrase and holy shit is that smart. I'm preaching to the choir if I start talking about the need to oppose diversity, inclusion, and equity. However, the real world ain't the fuckin' choir. Let's establish some baselines for using memes as a weapon to undermine a Leftist objective. Run individualism as a counter to Leftist collectivism: when they want to talk about groups, focus on talking about the individuals instead. Run uniqueness as a counter to diversity: Each individual is unique, therefore each individual is diverse. See the previous point. Run professional collectivism to counter Leftist balkanization: point out professional teamwork can be undermined by identity politics. Run professional exclusion as a counter to Leftist inclusion: some things shouldn't be included because they are inappropriate or unprofessional. Run moral inclusion to counter Leftist exclusion: it's morally unacceptable to previously claim inclusion, only to turn around and say 'das racist'.
That last one is a fucking death-knell, because that fucked the sub-manager up so bad she asked if we should do a White History Month... as part of her Black History Month agenda.
Force them to be totally inclusive, then turn around and complain that their inclusion was unprofessional or immoral.
... technically that counts as crying out when I ask them to strike me but fuck you it works.
Step 5: Convert your enemy.
"I know it was you who objected to Black History Month." I don't think I'm ever gonna forget that phone call.
I didn't by the way. I objected to the fact that "increased intentionality on heritage" would lead to racial division within the team. Especially when someone who was your classic 60% German, 30% Polish, 5% Scandinavian, 4% Czech, 1% Native American was told: "No, you gotta pick one." I never said we shouldn't do Black History Month... we just didn't. Meh, that's what you get for Juneteenth and all the other fake holidays like Kwanza :p
And no, that wasn't what the call was about, it was something else, the sub-manager had just been holding that in for a while. And that's actually the point. Most of the Useful Idiots on the Left are held there by "politics" that is nothing more than a rationalization of their own emotional problems. That's really what radicalization is. As we spoke through the call, what became obvious (as the sub-manager was venting) was that they were insecure. So, I focused on being affable enough to set them at ease, and gave them confidence that I wasn't undermining their authority. (I was undermining their political objectives, but I didn't say that). And yes, I did take that to their manager. I didn't do it in a demeaning or punitive way. I did that intentionally as way of improving the sub-manager's emotional resilience. I specifically told the lead manager that I think the sub-manager may have felt stressed and insecure of their own authority, and that might need to be a focus on helping them gain more self-confidence.
And no, I do actually mean that. Emotional stoicism, financial stability, maturity, responsibility, discipline, all of these basic things are fundamentally anti-Leftist because they make people less dependent on the slave mentality that the Left cultivates through emotional abuse. Men become more right wing when they work out because of this. Women become more right wing when they marry men because of this. Men get more right-wing when they become more wealthy and financially secure, or when they get a job, or when they stay out of college, or go to a church, or have children.
Personal growth is one of our strongest and most subversive weapons against Leftism. That sub-manager and I are on mostly good terms (as far as I can tell). I want that sub-manager to grow as a person and become less dependent on Leftist racial collectivism to compensate for their own insecurities.
Okay, so Neil Young recently demanded that either Joe Rogan's content should be pulled from Spotify, or his music would be pulled from Spotify, because statements like: [insert reasonable discussion about the vaccines and mandates] are totally unacceptable.
Listening to The Lotus Eaters Podcast, I discovered that apparently, you youngin's forgot who Neil Young is. Then I realized: "Oh shit, 1972 was 50 years ago!" and I realized that I should probably explain some things about Neil Young.
So, Neil Young was a very popular Rock and Roll musician in the 1960's Counter-Culture movement. He is the typical, 60's Leftist hippy fighting the system man. As such, his music was very political. This means he was basically a very Left-wing, anti-War, anti-Capitalism, activist.
Some of his most popular music was extremely political, though most people kind of lost the message. Three significant examples are:
Chicago - released by the group Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young in 1971 is a piece of music paying hommage to the desire for the "Justice Democrats" and other Leftist & Progressive to protest the 1968 Democratic Presidential Nomination, where Lyndon Johnson & the Democratic Establishment were planning on pushing their chosen candidate (Hubert Humphrey) as the Democratic Nominee. It's a long story about why this is important, so there will be a bullet at the end explaining.
Ohio - Released by the group Crosby, stills, Nash, and Young in 1970 about one month after the incident in question. It is probably the most famous protest song in American history excluding Yankee Doodle Dandy (technically). It is in reference to the Kent State Shootings that took place at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. This incident stemmed from many days of anti-war protests by anti-war, progressive, and communist activists at Kent State University, which had resulted in the burning down of the KSU ROTC building that nearly killed many cadets as an act of political terrorism against the US military due to the continuation of the Vietnam War. In response to the arson, the governor of Ohio deployed Ohio National Guard troops to both Kent, Ohio & KSU to end the protests due to the violence. Unfortunately, this action precipitated more protests. During one of these protests that was ordered to be ended by Ohio National Guard troops, one of the units mis-maneuvered, got cut off, surrounded against a fence line, and fired at/around/above the protesting students who were pelting them with objects. 4 Students, almost none who were even involved in the protests (as the schools was not shut down) were killed by stray gunfire. This song promotes the idea that president Richard Nixon is a tyrant seeking to kill anti-war protesters, and the listener needs to stand up and take political action against oppression. The song was actually censored form play on AM radio stations in America (these would have been the more popular frequency rage at the time, rather than FM).
Rockin' in the Free World - released by Neil Young in 1989 is quite popular among the older generations. However, despite the refrain in the title, it is an explicitly anti-American propaganda song that decries the US generally as a shithole of misery, suffering, materialism, and aggressive imperialism. The fact that Neil made this song after being told he couldn't play in the USSR due to the event being cancelled, should really tell you his Leftist perspective, even though this took place as the USSR was collapsing.
Southern Men - released in 1970 is a moderately popular political propaganda piece condeming... well, the South. He does it specifically in regards to the Civil Rights movement, and opposition to it via segregationists, and the Ku Klux Klan's activities. Note the year. This song was released 2 years after MLK was already dead, and 6 years after the 1964 Civil Rights bill had already been passed. He released another "dis track" to the state of Alabama (called "Alabama") in 1972. This managed to so annoy people that Lynyrd Skynyrd to such a degree that they released "Sweet Home Alabama" as a response to his songs. which include naming him and his songs directly, and even refusing to apologize for George Wallace (a famous pro-segregationist governor) being popular in the state.
In summation, if it's not clear: the man is a die-hard Leftist who has been aggressively political his whole life, and his music is supported by Leftists and is a major focal point of Leftist culture and history.
The hypocrisy that one of his most popular songs "Ohio" was censored for being politically intolerable to the establishment, and he HIMSELF is now calling for censorship on another medium, should really explain just how much of a group of hypocrites the political Left in this country has always been.
It was NEVER about opposition to censorship or free speech. It was just about getting what they want.
- This bullet is just an explanation on the story of the 1968 Democratic Convention, if you want it. These were not like modern conventions, and normally the nominations for president had a real chance of being decided that night. President Lyndon Johnson (D) had become very unpopular as he had expanded the war in Vietnam including massive bombing campaigns against North Vietnam generally, as well as bombing and secret attacks on North Vietnamese Army positions in the neighboring countries of Laos & Cambodia. Casualties in the war had gotten very bad, the MSM was regularly broadcasting dead American soldiers and flag draped coffins on television. Even leading MSM news personalities like Walter Cronkite were questioning the war, especially after predictions that the Vietnamese Communist forces were on the verge of defeat didn't appear to be true after the Tet Offensive happened earlier in the year and killed thousands of Americans (and attacked the US embassy). LBJ chose not to seek re-election due to the turmoil he was facing, and it looked like his heir apparent would be Hubert Humphrey who looked like he would change only a bit. The progressive candidate was Robert F. Kennedy, brother of JFK and former Secretary of State. However, he was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan barely 2 months before the convention, throwing the progressives into disarray, but leaving them furious about the possibility of Humphrey getting the win. The Civil Rights movement had already completely collapsed into open violence, when in this same year MLK Jr. was assassinated (4 months before the convention), and it caused nearly 150 race riots across the US and required the deployment of US Army & Marine Corps infantry units to maintain order. When the Progressives & Communists protested around the convention, they were met with stiff resistance from the Democratic Establishment aligned Chicago Police Department (none of whom were fans of Communism anyway). This resulted in many famous scenes of significant violence, including legitimate rioter & officer brutality (including wooden nightsticks to the skull) that were broadcast on television; along with disruptions during the convention as delegates were outraged about their own political supporters being smashed in the head outside the convention hall. Nonetheless Hubert Humphrey secured the nomination. Republican nominee Richard Nixon would exploit this incident later by holding a ticker-tape parade in the same area to draw a contrast. This incident lives in the minds of Leftists and Democrats as a very significant moment in American political history as the Left basically exploded on itself and sank it's own chances of winning the 1968 election and ushering in major republican wins.