GaryJackson -2 points ago +1 / -3

Believe me fool I work in logistics. I've got fucking degrees in it.

GaryJackson -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can hack trucks. It's pretty easy. If they have telematic systems. Most vehicles have computers in them as well. People hack into Jaguars and Lexuses and shit all the time.


GaryJackson 7 points ago +9 / -2

I see several possibilities.

  1. The most obvious is that the ship and this truck were hacked by the same group of people trying to shut down trade. They're targeting companies running Evergreen containers. I think it's interesting to note that while China apparently runs freight in containers that have English wording on them we don't run Chinese freight containers in the States. This means these containers might come from a western, English speaking country.

  2. I think this is possible misinformation from the state run media in China. They might be trying to make up a story with a similar situation but on a smaller scale so it doesn't freak out their population. The CCP might be trying to hide the collapsing global economy from their folks. People who look up "Evergreen blocking way" for example might pull this up in China instead of the Suez canal incident because of how their language works.

  3. It's possible that our own media is lying to us and this truck might be the real incident and our media is playing it up to freak US out. Why? I don't know. Maybe to frighten us with the prospect of shutting down global trade.

If we're talking about option number 1 my question is who is behind this? Is it Trump and the patriots/military? Is it China? Is is Biden and the Dems? The media here did take to this super fast. It might be a decoy to distract from the border issue.

If it's option 2 then it's pretty par for the course in China.

If it's 3 then that's even more concerning in terms of our media. It may be a smear campaign or a distraction. My guess if this is true they're trying to bad mouth and shit on Trump's trade policies. I don't buy it. I had a nice job under Trump and made a shit ton of money. His economy was the best. His foreign policy was great. The media can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. The game's up for them. No one listen to dumb ass Stephen Colbert and his buttfucked homos like Stelter and Lemon.