Direct link here.
Much of the article is quoted below, mainly to highlight the named organizations and funders. The shady sequences of events are also worth reading about.
Also, a sort of follow-up article on one of the candidates here (archive here).

Several other unorthodox candidates have emerged across the country—all backed by the same shadowy group, the Patriots Run Project.
For the past year, the group has recruited Trump supporters to run as independent candidates in key swing districts where they could siphon votes from Republicans in races that will help determine which party controls the House next year, an Associated Press review has found. In addition to two races in Iowa, the group recruited candidates in Nebraska, Montana, Virginia and Minnesota. All six recruits described themselves as retired, disabled—or both.
The group’s operation provides few clues about its management, financing or motivation. But interviews, text messages, emails, business filings and other documents reviewed by the AP show that a significant sum has been spent—and some of it traces back to Democratic consulting firms.

As with other recruits, his story begins with Facebook, where the Patriots Run Project operated a series of pro-Trump pages and ran ads [...] while urging conservatives to run in November.

In at least three races, petition signatures to qualify for the ballot were circulated by a Nevada company that works closely with the Democratic consulting firm Sole Strategies, according to documents, including text messages and a draft contract, as well as the firm’s co-founder. In Iowa, a different Democratic firm conducted a poll testing attacks on Nunn, while presenting Wiederien as the true conservative.
Despite the ties to Democratic firms, there is a scant paper trail to determine who is overseeing the effort.
Patriots Run Project is not a registered business in the United States and it is not listed as a nonprofit with the IRS. It has not filed paperwork to form a political committee with the Federal Election Commission. The only concrete identifying detail listed on the group’s website is a P.O. Box inside a UPS store in Washington, D.C.
It’s not the first time Patriots Run Project has drawn attention.
In June, the Center for Strategic Dialogue, a London-based watchdog, issued a report that found the network of Patriots Run Project pages on Facebook were likely controlled by a small number of people, deceiving users and violating Facebook’s policies on “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” The ads also violated the site’s standards because they did not include disclaimers showing who was responsible.
Facebook took down the pages. But by then, the mystery operatives running the group were already working to get recruits on ballots.
Meta, Facebook’s parent company, didn’t respond to a request for comment. The company reported receiving $48,000 for the group’s ads.

They urged him to list his affiliation on the ballot as “America First.” They arranged for a firm to gather signatures across the district, which includes Des Moines, its suburbs and rural southern Iowa.
Those signatures were gathered by Common Sense America, a Nevada limited liability company created in February. A company disclosure filing in Colorado, which requires signature gatherers to register, lists a phone number for a co-founder of the Democratic consulting firm, Sole Strategies.
“We work very closely with Common Sense America,” Zee Cohen-Sanchez, the co-founder, said when contacted. Lisa Cohen, the registered agent for Common Sense America who appears to be Cohen-Sanchez’s mother, didn’t return messages.

Sole Strategies has earned nearly $1.8 million over the past four years working primarily for Democratic candidates and causes, including numerous Democratic House members and candidates, records show. [One recruit] Jones said Common Sense America gathered signatures for her campaign.
A draft contract shows the firm was set to receive $3,300 for collecting signatures for Bera in Nebraska. A philanthropist listed on the document as the proposed buyer of those services is Carolyn Cohen of Nyack, New York, a registered Democrat who has a history of supporting liberal causes. “She doesn’t comment on her political donations,” her partner, Larry Miller, said.
Last month, a poll attacked Nunn as soft in his opposition to abortion, terrorists and Democrats — calling him “an errand boy for the uniparty elite”— while painting Wiederien as the pro-Trump conservative in the race.
A spokeswoman for the firm that operated the poll, Dynata, said that its customer was Patinkin Research, which says it “has worked to elect dozens of Democratic candidates.” The spokeswoman later said she identified Patinkin in error and urged AP not to publish its identity. Patinkin’s founder didn’t return messages.


List is here: https://archive.ph/fF4ct or https://web.archive.org/web/20240611152445/https://happy-city-index.com/ (data tables might not fully display properly)
Note: this is not a "are you happy here" survey, but rather calculations using factors that "research says" make city folk happier.
A few highlights:
Top 3 overall are 1. Aarhus, Denmark 2. Zurich, Switzerland and 3. Berlin, Germany.
Top 3 from America are 18. Minneapolis, MN 38. Boston, MA and 57. Baltimore, MD.
Tops from some Commonwealth countries (I know some of you are out there, frens): 7. Bristol, GBR 21. Brisbane, AUS 25. Cork, IRL 37. Ottawa, CAN.

Obviously, you'll want to know what criteria they used in their assessment.
https://archive.ph/Sclj3 or https://web.archive.org/web/20240516041602/https://happy-city-index.com/HCI/happycityindex.html
Their explanation has a bunch of word salad, but they do give a somewhat concise listing of their intended dimensions towards the end. 24 "areas" sorted into 5 seemingly weighted categories. Each factor is very easily quantifiable and definitely all contribute to a functional and comfortable living environment.
[Please pardon the formatting]

  1. educational system CITIZENS
  2. social inclusion of residents CITIZENS
  3. Gross Domestic Product and Productivity ECONOMY
  4. involvement of residents in decision-making processes GOVERNANCE
  5. transparency in operation and openness of data GOVERNANCE
  6. accessibility of public e-services GOVERNANCE
  7. management of natural resources, including renewable energy sources ENVIRONMENT
  8. innovation and creativity of residents CITIZENS
  9. conscious strategies GOVERNANCE
  10. use of information and communication technologies in transport MOBILITY
  11. innovation and creativity of enterprises ECONOMY
  12. anti-pollution ENVIRONMENT
  13. waste, wastewater management and recycling ENVIRONMENT
  14. accessibility and efficiency of public transport MOBILITY
  15. availability of green areas ENVIRONMENT
  16. access to culture, including libraries CITIZENS
  17. entrepreneurship ECONOMY
  18. safety of the transport system MOBILITY
  19. labour market flexibility and unemployment ECONOMY
  20. ICT [information and communication technology] area as a sphere of activity and its availability in enterprises ECONOMY
  21. protection of biodiversity ENVIRONMENT
  22. openness of transport data MOBILITY
  23. availability of multimodal transport MOBILITY
  24. internationalisation of enterprises ECONOMY

Direct link
Dot today
Dot org
Thursday afternoon, a Somali man shot two people in an apartment building (one died). In attempting to flee the scene, he tried to commandeer a moped at gunpoint. Another driver saw this and rammed the Somali (and then, I guess, left the scene). The cop arrived at the scene and saw the downed Somali. Cop reportedly attempted to render aid to Somali.
Officer down.
The Somali then lost a shootout with other police officers.
The cop was a 36-year-old black man in his second year on the job. He had previously been honored for rescuing an elderly couple from a burning house. This makes for 4 murdered first responders (3 police, 1 fire) in 4 months in this middling metropolitan area.

In completely unrelated news, Sunday night, the local County Attorney suddenly decided to drop her criminal charges against a state trooper for shooting (and ultimately killing) a black man who was driving off with another officer partially in the car last year.


Content advisory: Lots of dot today links to Outkick, a Fox News owned sports and culture blog a little similar to Barstool.

Harrison Butker is a placekicker for the Kansas City Chiefs. He was apparently chosen to give a commencement speech at a Catholic school in the area near Kansas City (of note, he went to school in Georgia). The speech was politically charged.

Butker ripped President Biden and his hypocritical stance on abortion, took an unveiled shot at Pride Month, unmasked some of the lies born during the Covid crisis, addressed the "tyranny" of diversity, equity and inclusion policies, and lifted women as mothers, wives and homemakers to counter the "diabolical lies" they've been fed by society.

He also discussed men's and women's roles in the household. Notably, he encouraged embracing the role of a homemaker.
This set off a firestorm in the press and online.
Several thousand signatures have been collected in multiple petitions on change.org to have him fired from his team.
Numerous news outlets have published stories on the "controversial" speech, many misrepresenting it.

The NFL has decried the views expressed in the speech.
The current cherry on top is that the Twitter account for the city of Kansas City tweeted out the city that Butker lives in.
Whether that is really a doxx is questionable (at least to me), but the point remains that a city publicly singled out a person for his views to at least distance itself from him. The twxtter account also apparently liked some approving responses before deleting the tweet and apologies-ing for it being 'shared.'

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