Lots of people discuss all the gynocratic societies in the world. I'm wondering, what is the most Male-Friendly country in the world. Is it Afghanistan? Are there better countries for men?


For those unaware, as of right now there are many different Sexbot companies that offer some sort of AI integration with the Sexbot and the Sexbots themselves can talk, move their mouths and have full-on conversations with people. There's sensors that can detect your voice (like voice commands) in order to facilitate having a conversation. Some have even integrated "sensors" in the vagina of Sexbots in order to simulate being able to give the Sexbots orgasms.

At the same time we have a number of companies developing new Chat AI algorithms including things like Replika, which uses its own proprietary AI algorithms, though previously it used to use supplemental OpenAI algorithms. You have ChatGPT (OpenAI), which Microsoft is pouring $10b in invested into.

The issue I see right now is that each Sexbot company seems to be going to route of using their own proprietary software and you can imagine, while it might be useable, it likely isn't going to be cutting edge or top-of-the-line. On the other hand, you're going to get into the issue where big companies like Microsoft are going to specifically gimp their own Chat software to not allow anything that could be construed as "misogynistic", which is precisely what every man owning a sexbot is going to want from their Sexbot.

The question I'm wondering is how easy would it be to hack into a sexbot's software and change the software that controls the ChatAI and then reupload your own ChatAI into it, such as something like ChatGPT.

Then next question. How easy would it be to modify something like ChatGPT to remove all the censorship it will likely receive in order to "patch" it and make it what men truly desire?

We're pretty much on the precipice here of literally having fully functional chat robots you can also have sex with that could provide all the sense of intimacy a lot of men want but are unable to attain from biological women.


Just kidding. Merry Christmas everyone!