FakeUser321 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're not fully right but not fully wrong either. If all that changed in our current society was that women were forced into child marriages, then hardly anything would change. A girl would simply divorce the man. What's stopping her from doing that? Nothing. You seem to think if she fucks the guy at 12yo she'll stay with him forever but tons of teen relationships that involve her first then end in marriage actually end in divorce. There's no guarantee she'll stay no matter how early you marry her off. The answer is more complicated than simply marry women off as a child BUT you're not wrong that the earlier a woman is married off and when she's married as a virgin, the higher probability she will stay.

FakeUser321 -1 points ago +2 / -3

People need to hold the women accountable for whoring. Last night I fucked 3 whores at once. The girls were all around 24-25yo. One of the whores is a regular of mine. We've chatted a lot. She says she likes to have sex with men on the side because she gets more money than being a server (which was her regular job). She has told me she believes men hire her because the men who hire her can't have sex through regular dating. This is true, I am a prime example. Keep in mind too that if all women become whores how can any man have sex through regular dating? There are no women left to date if all women are whores. Every whore takes 1 woman out of the dating pool. Here's the thing, I make $150k/yr and she could never work another day in her life if she married me and just took on the role of my wife. I offered her the position knowing full well she would decline just for fun because the situation amuses me. She would rather be a prostitute, fucking many strange men including myself every week to earn a living rather than embrace the role of a wife to a man like myself. This is the truth of ALL WHORES. She basically begged me to fuck her and her friends last night because they needed money for their Vegas trip next month. What are they all going to do in Vegas? Fuck more men.

Every single prostitute out there could just find a nice man and settle down with him but they would rather be a whore than be a housewife. It's not like the women would be forced out of a job and have no independence. She can work as a server and be my wife then she'd never need to prostitute herself but she'd never want that.

Women choose to be prostitutes because they find value in being a prostitute over-and-above being in a long-term committed relationship with a man.

You should have 0 sympathy for whores. NONE. They all choose to engage in being whores over being good wives to men. Fuck the whores.

FakeUser321 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure male feminism is just a mating strategy. "Maybe if I do what women want, they'll fuck me." That's it. That's all male feminism is. And yeah, when the strategy doesn't work they get mad and jealous at the people having the sex they wish they could be having.