FYI_Muslims_Inbreed 1 point ago +1 / -0

This wasn't anything anything like the Twin Towers. For a start, you can see for yourself the "pancakes": layers in the rubble pile corresponding to each concrete floor. The remains of the victims will be recovered between the layers, where they were in the building before it collapsed. They were crushed, not pulverized. Most of them will be found among the crushed remains of their belongings. They're not going to be represented only by fingernail-size bone fragments ejected hundreds of feet, like at the WTC.

Where were the two stacks of 110 pancakes at Ground Zero? First responders expressed surprise at the lack of concrete - as well as furniture, fixtures, glass, bodies - at the site. These were rendered into dust finer than beach sand and fell ankle-deep across lower Manhattan.

Sixteen people in a stairwell at the base of the North Tower thought they were about to be crushed to death as the building came down. Instead, the blue sky opened up above them as the dust cleared. They were not crushed by 110 floors of four inch thick concrete.

This is pretty much the same stuff from 9/11.

No, not at all.

FYI_Muslims_Inbreed 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess I haven't looked into Nessie and Bigfoot but I am comfortable assuming that I wouldn't find thousands upon thousands of reports by expert observers going back decades, many of which were witnessed by tens or thousands of people and recorded on radar.

Has there ever been a Bigfoot sighting that corresponded to twenty nuclear missiles going offline, each of which was on its own independent, secure electrical system?

Look, I used to think the same way, but sometimes you have to look into it and make a judgment based on the evidence you might not have been aware of. Truth is stranger than fiction, and it doesn't take long for something unthinkable to become routine. I mean, if I had told you in 1999 that the national debt was about to quintuple in two decades, and a virus would "escape" from a Chinese lab and be exploited for a race war and communist revolution in the ruins of America, would you have believed me? Yet here we are.

And no, it doesn't mean it's aliens, but considering how often pilots and sailors saw them during WWII, while Russia was being thrashed by Germany and China by Japan, I don't think they're new Chinese or Russian technology.

FYI_Muslims_Inbreed 3 points ago +3 / -0

And there are millions of people whose feelings toward the black community have hardened over the last year. The useful idiots have no principles or effective critical thinking skills, and those pulling the strings don't actually care about black people or homosexuals.

1917: the Bolsheviks formally legalize homosexuality. 1932: "Eliminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish." -Maxim Gorky, Soviet intellectual 2015: love is love! 2021: homosexuality is transphobia

They'll turn on us as soon as it's convenient, and they already have. First, by defending Islam. I spent most of my life in the South, but the only times I've actually felt any fear from people who don't like homosexuals was while working in Canada, all from Muslims. But they vote Trudeau 80%, so he's not asking the voters he's importing any questions.

The second is the troons. Now they're redefining "homosexuality" as "same-gender attraction", such that penis-in-vagina can be a homosexual act. As if homosexual men are interested in women, but only after they change their name to Aiden or Brayden or Chase, develop roid rage and cut their boobs off! And of course, bedding a lesbian is the ultimate validation of an autogynephilic man's addictive perversion. So the LGBTQ has actually become adamantly opposed to homosexuality.

Anyways, as a homosexual man I fully support anyone's right to say whatever they want. If I get offended that's my problem. Persecuting bakers and preachers is not only unforgiveably hypocritical, it is certain to backfire.

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