The localizers have struck again! After having absolutely BOMBED Lost Ark, Amazon Gaymes has decided to cover up the ladies and remove the Japanese-classic jiggle physics in another beloved and anticipated game.

It's not even a toggleable option because fuck you, single huwhite males!

The female body is only empowering when you're making e-thots filthy rich, peasants! (and they get a cut on it too, owning Twitch!)

Remember: they have virtually unlimited money so the ruining of games will continue until morale improves.

source: https://archive.is/lcnVQ


Can we expect it to be altered like Lost Ark to include the message and then die after less than a year like the other Amazon games?

Bonus points for a messed up launch with servers on fire!


For real, how can they compare that one Christian bakery with Twitter and Big Tech.

And on top of that, they use it like some ultimate "gotcha" moment.

The bakery was asked to create something from zero (with their hands, their name and brand).

Twitter was asked to host something (made by others, with other people's names and protected by Section 230).

I personally think it's not that hard to distinguish between the two, but whatever.

BTW, I'm not excusing the politicians that made life super easy for Big Tech and their friends - I still think they were dumb - but now we are experiencing unseen levels of doublethink.


What can be possibly done? All the other problems can be addressed but I feel like DNS is the final filter. We can't flee "muh private corporations" if we depend solely on other private corporations to not pull the domain from under our feet. Thoughts?