BongBongGo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mr. Chunli and Mr. Tran both be very very good friend of mine.

Mr. Chunli very mad because someone joke he have tiny wang.

Mr. Tran very mad because someone joke he trans. But Mr. Tran no trans, he onry man.

Now I have two ress friends.

BongBongGo 5 points ago +5 / -0

'Gender' was only ever a stepping stone to abolishing the sex binary.

Abolishing the sex binary whilst people were still thinking in terms of it was simply impossible. Thus, the abolitionists had to move people to thinking in terms of this placeholder, gender, defined as what you think you are.

Once people stopped thinking in terms of the ascriptive sex binary, and only in terms of mere self-identification as they are now by and large wont to do, only then it became feasible to attack the sex binary. And that's how it played out: people are now too engrossed in this introspective process of determining what they 'really' are, rather like choosing one's favourite brands or sports teams, than seeing what they really are as determined by something physical.

The sex binary, of course, was not marked by confusion and subjectivity. Rather, it was the exact opposite, concrete and objective. It is the placeholder, 'gender', that is subjectivized, determinable only by oneself. But one notices that all identities of the latter, ascriptive type are being replaced by the former, hence the rise also of transracialism and transspeciesism.