Saw it the other day; first new movie I saw in theaters since Joker, because I choose to consume next to no newly Hollywood propaganda schlock.

Seriously, folks, you're fine without your HBO Max and Netflix, stop giving those who hate you money and attention.

Anyway, I begrudgingly went to the movies since a family member was in town, and it was the only thing playing that I figure I could even remotely stomach.

Rating: Excellent. Highly recommended. Nigh-zero wokeness, and Bob Odenkirk was hard as hell, fucking everyone up.

It easily beats out John Wick for the top position of the "retired badass goes back to killing all the bad guys" genre.


Not much of a revelation, just an observation, but how much of sci-fi pushes the ideal that Humanity's path forward is unification?

Star Trek is a major one, and many would state it was a progressive show, and it earnestly was.

It also stated that in its ideal future, there's a Federation of like-minded extraterrestrials, and as a member species, Humanity lives in a united, post-scarcity society under a single government.

To that end, how many alien species in these stories are so inhuman, in that they have no differences, a world-wide government, a single language?

It's laughable how direct the propaganda was, and continues to be.


To us harbingers of the approaching misery, every action taken by the establishment breeds ever greater thoughts of doom, but to many normies (read: those without critical thinking skills) there is either no issue at hand, or the blatant negatives are a positive. Their ride will hit the brick wall, eventually, and they'll swear they didn't see it coming, but that's not the subject of today's anemic circlejerk of a rant.

No, the current issue at hand is a seemingly innocuous and overexposed event that serves as the cherry on top of the increasingly shitty sundae that is the modern US military. An event that has too many normies shouting "Yas, Queen Slay!" to every bint in a camouflage uniform, and other such idiotic vernacular.

Of course, I'm referring to the disturbingly nigh-universal servicewide pushback against Tucker Carlson's recent calls against pregnant women in the armed forces.

Totally controversial opinion: "Clapbacks" (ugh) should never be performed while in uniform.

So controversial, in fact, that in more reasonable times, painting your service in a negative light by publicly disparaging a civilian, really anyone, while in uniform was a punishable offense.

Now? You have Generals liking tweets from commands doing as such.


Let me be clear: the US Military is, by design, an apolitical institution. It ostensibly serves as the spear and shield of the American nation. It effectively serves as the enforcement arm of the American Government's will abroad, but does so without blatant favoritism towards whichever uniparty rep is seemingly in charge that day.

Once their public policy of political neutrality goes out the window -- regardless of how they're leaning, but of course it's Leftism because 20-fucking-21 -- all bets are off. It's clear where the wind is blowing, and it does not favor the greater US populace.

The military gets political, it's more likely to make an enemy out of those it deems antithetical to its politics, and since Leftism is opposed by millions of John and Jane Americans, well...

Let's just say I have little faith that there will be any pushback within the service when the 2025 food riots are met with lethal force.


Until they get to the point where they start executing us in the streets.

And even, it will still be a small response to start.


My father's getting up in years - a Gen Xer who did his 20 years in the military and now lives comfortably as a low-rich class man with his own business, that he continues to run.

He's on his third marriage -- the first two were disastrous (trust me, I was there) -- and to his credit, she's a wonderful woman with a great family; she's his One, as he claims. Also, he had 4 kids between those first two marriages, of which I'm the oldest.

Occasionally he berates me for my lack of children and relationships; me, a late 20s right-leaning Millennial male -- Persona non Grata as far as our modern society is concerned.

Me, who's experienced a childhood consisting of two toxic relationships involving awful women.

Me, who's seen how feminism has polluted the dating pool.

Me, who knows what the Elite have in store for us common rabble, because they love to rub it in our faces and watch the majority do nothing.

Me, who knows my demographic isn't rewarded by the state for having multiple children.

He claims that our ancestors suffered through 100,000 years of adversity and produced offspring, and I have a responsibility to do so as well.

And I'm not saying the man is completely wrong -- and believe it or not, I actually do want kids, with a trusting woman and positive economic prospects, so basically a dream at this point -- but one thing I feel my forbears had that I'm lacking is... ignorance.

It's like the opening scene in 'Idiocracy' (a movie I vehemently hate because of how many people crow on about it being a "documentary of the future", or some other such drivel, even though it's making fun of people like them) where the dumbass gets two girls pregnant and has a huge mess of dumbass kids while the intelligent couple holds back because they think too hard about the economic and social aspects of having a kid.

Except, that's so many of our generation, isn't it? We've blackpilled ourselves out of relationships and children because the future looks bleak, and we have so much information at our fingertips to corroborate this viewpoint.

And as a result?

The men sit angry and alone, being berated by the powers that be for being angry and alone. Either indulging in too much self-pleasure, or debasing themselves trying to get a crumb of pussy like pathetic hounds salivating at the edge of their master's dinner table.

The women sit sad and alone, slutting it up in their younger years and spending their later years surrounded by pets and worthless possessions while they partake of box wine and write blog posts trying to convince themselves of the lie that they're happy as they are.

I don't champion ignorance, but if you don't know much, at least it seems you're more likely to want to pump out 12 kids.




Ok, I'm not that sorry to say it, honestly; Islam is the Mormonism of the Abrahamic religious triad, except its founder is even more of a monstrous pedo.

All the same, I appreciate the way of thinking: "Let's adopt the hardline traditionalist religion; that'll show the Left!"

Except, it won't. The power that Islam currently holds is completely dependent on the hyper-hypocritical Leftist doctrine of Intersectionality.

A bunch of lily-whites start praying to Mecca, and Islam loses the protective status it has as a 'po' widdle oppressed brown people religion' and instantly becomes the target of every wailing blue hair from here to Saudi Arabia. Or, at the very least they might try to differentiate between "White" Islam and "Brown" Islam, which would still cause some of the later to be targeted by the smoothest brains, and would result in some wrathful retaliation, but I digress.

Either Christianity is reclaimed and goes full Crusade mode, or Populism becomes the de facto religion of the Right.

Unless the Caliphate comes into full prominence, in which case, hand me my Pulwar and let me grow out a shitty beard.


There was a post titled 'Stop saying it must get worse before it gets better' posted a bit less than two weeks ago.

The intent of this... I guess you'd call it a bit of a rebuttal, isn't to discredit or belittle the OP of that post -- I sympathize with their message; however as was pointed out in the threads of that earlier post to various degrees, it kinda does have to get worse before enough people will be spurred to do anything.

Clownfish TV -- a married couple of center-left creatives with prior ties directly with Disney who comment on the greater happenings in pop culture and entertainment (I'm sure many of us are familiar) -- posted a video today exposing further overreaches in Cancel Culture, titled 'Kevin Sorbo Facebook NUKED! Anime Con BANNED by Stripe Over Vic Mignogna?!'.

In short, nuking Cara Dune for accurately pointing out that the Left is effectively acting like Nazis by dehumanize their detractors isn't enough. Now, were seeing more actors, more entertainers getting shafted.

A payment processor has gone so far as to lock out an entire con's ability to use their services, just because they had the gall to invite a guest star that is effectively persona non grata in the eyes of Leftist entertainment.

Now, this is old news to many of us; even if the events are fresh, cancelling people socially, professionally, and financially is old hat for the Left by this point.

However, these overreaches have to continue to get more people to notice, more people to clamor for a counter to this madness.

I've stated before that you don't need the moderate collective to enact change since they just tend to follow the aggregate, as we're painfully seeing with the Left's shift into totalitarianism under the guise of equality. "You only need 3.5% of a population to force change..."

While I stand by that, with every act of callousness by the greater Left, it forces a response from more and more people, and could potentially lead to it taking years rather than decades to effectively counter their efforts, which leads to this:

The Left is parasitically tied to our industry, to our governance, to our finance, and increasingly to our defense (this one is super scary), to the point where the only two options are to drive them out of the current system, or build parallel systems so that their reach is effectively neutered.

The later is probably the only option we really have, because of how dug in they are to the current system. So, welcome the spurned, build up your communities, and support secession in all but name by gradually turning towns to counties to whole states into effective anti-Fed zones.


I was going through old Cum Town highlight vids, and what is simply the most mindbogglingly amazing thing came up: Fiveish.

It's a kids show produced by a Jewish non-profit which stars an anthropomorphic 5 dollar bill, and shows how he promotes the virtues of Judaism and tradition, but not without a fair bit of stereotyping.

Thing is, I'm 99.9% sure it's completely played straight. Maybe a bit of self-mockery, but exceptionally hilarious.

Here's the Cum Town bit on it, but you can look around YouTube for clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i-QKWvMWKA


Geo politics are not my strong suit, not by any measure, but hearing snippets of how terribly China is currently doing, I can't help but feel what we're seeing is them presenting strength when actually weak, as told by Sun Tzu, driven by desperation and internal turmoil.

In short:

  • Their economy is also suffering, same as everyone else, and considering how they're the world's manufacturing center, why wouldn't it be?

  • You're a fool to think they've locked down Covid to the degree they claim. I guarantee it's ravaging their populace the same as if not worse than anyone else, and they're lying about it, and having their puppets across the globe lie for them.

  • I remember something about a famine, coupled with the absolute shit quality of their farm land - a holdover from the days of Mao and his dumbass policies on farming.

  • Also, problems with meeting electricity demand, largely because they're trying to play big dick and refuse themselves the Australian coal they so desperately need under the banner of trade sanctions.

Anyone with a better grasp of the situation at hand want to confirm or refute these points? I'm guessing it'll only take a stiff breeze in their direction to cause them to collapse if things are as bad as they could be.


So I've heard a lot of posturing from individuals who seem assured that those who swore to uphold the Constitution -- that is, Military men, active and retired alike -- would rush to the aid of the people should things go to shit, and tyranny reign.

Even alleged "Red Team Planners" claimed that in a Civil War event, you'd see a majority of the rank-and-file defect, especially if a Dem was in office.

I've even seen posts from plenty of alleged former military personnel who claim their duty is to the Constitution first.

But, the relatively benign event that was the brief and largely peaceful occupation of the Capitol Building (use their language against them, it does work) showed the true colors of men of this caliber in my mind.

A lot of calls for mass arrests, charging the protestors/rioters with terroristic actions, decrying the peoples' right to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the government, seriously likening it to a coup. Calling the protestors morons and damning them with their words.

The thing is... the Military is the global enforcement arm of the US Government, and frankly these days we ain't fighting for freedom when we invade some shithole in the Middle East; it's an invasion to benefit the Military Industrial Complex, the Bankers, the Swamp, the Globalist power structure. To send young men out to kill and die to maintain instability and fill war chests under the guise of patriotism.

That later part isn't something you can discuss in public, especially given how deadset our society is in lionizing military service. But, have that mindset when you see a military man; realize that even if they declare otherwise, their allegiance probably doesn't sit as deeply with the people as even they may think.

It used to be we were told that if 10 men in uniform were told to fire on a crowd of protestors, you'd expect 7 of them to abstain; now, we'll be lucky if one does.


Pretty Americentric line of thought considering us dirty gaters have international "membership", but this also applies to the West in general.

Call it China or the Globalists -- 'and' is probably more appropriate, but there's been a deliberate decades long attack on our educational institutions, our government, our economy, the Christian religion, our borders, Communist infiltration of key positions in government and industry, etc. etc. etc.

And it's been so effective, I just don't see a reversal of course. Even if the moderate collective pulled the wool from their eyes and took action, we're still due for an economic implosion as the debt bubble eventually pops, and we'd have to deal with the indoctrinated masses who would violently resist being jacked out of the Matrix.

Personally, by this point I'm not even thinking about saving the republic, but rather what actions will need to be taken to build something better from its ruins.


I've been very anti-modern entertainment for the past few years or so: don't watch cable or Netflix, don't go to the movies (last new movie I saw was Joker), don't read modern literature, etc. However, I still use the internet, and watch YouTube -- for as long as they let neutral and right-wing creators on the platform, so not for much longer I'm sure -- and I finally got around to watching clips of Cobra Kai.

From the moment I saw footage mocking politically correct speech, I got curious. One YouTube Premium trial and two seasons later, and I found Cobra Kai to be exactly the show we needed, one that rejects Leftist politics. It mocks gender neutrality, it mocks cultural appropriation whiners, it makes fun of a white guy interrupting a karate tournament to preach about equality, and it did this across three seasons.

I'm curious if this is going to keep going, because the show is on Netflix now, and they approved a fourth season. So, while I expect the Lefties to try and worm their way into future episodes, if you need a show that serves to entertain and not indoctrinate, Cobra Kai Seasons 1 - 3 has my stamp of approval.